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Everything posted by FOXHUNTER

  1. Taking my daughter tomorrow to see the Vamps ?
  2. BBC ....full of puffs and paedos ?
  3. No bother,.it was nothing serious or formal just a day out knocking munties over.
  4. Didnt think you would blank with having plenty munties. What do you mean not set up ?
  5. Meanwhile there husbands are at home raping them ffs
  6. Plenty dead fish in our rivers for them the way the water companies are going.
  7. Same here, shoot deer the same as I do foxes and rabbits. All animals can be pests in the wrong environment, dont know why some people put them on a pedestal. If you have any muntjac or fallow let me know , could possibly spend some cash if the price is right ?
  8. I know mate , dont know why it's called Hunting Life more like Facebook.
  9. ???Yep lost out on a grand there.But you wouldn't charge a mate anyway ?
  10. What's the ostrich taste like? Is it just like a steak ?
  11. Wish we were like Australia with loads of hogs to go at ?
  12. Hope so ...I also give the car mechanic at my local garage plenty stuff too.
  13. Last season I gave the couple down the street geese, ducks and pheasants. Netmaker took a roe off me earlier in the year ?
  14. I hate all cities to be fair , too many people for my liking.
  15. Cracking Billy's. Can I come and shoot them ?
  16. Mate shot this Gold Billy there.
  17. Yep I've shot them at Carter Bar
  18. Deer and hares used as dog food. Rabbits etc fox bait. Game handed out to who ever wants it.
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