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About grafter

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  1. 2 young hobs yu lads good working homes only i wud rather keep them than let them go to sumone who wont look after them s wales valleys working parents
  2. mine can fill a pot easy thats all i want out of her.and she does it on the sides ov mountains not big flat fiels she suits my needs no problem
  3. :friends: fair play,you know whats next for um kida. :secret: [bANNED TEXT] dog do you reckon i should put with her [bANNED TEXT] the time comes
  4. Right, i've never posted on a Hancock thread but ..... A guy I know has one at 8-9 years I think. Not a Hare dog but will catch rabbits for fun and in style and will catch the odd charlie. Doe's not get injured very often but gets run 5-6 nights a week ( yes he is unemployed).There not my cup of tea but lets be right, it's how you's rear the dog. YMO. MRD. you only get out [bANNED TEXT] you put in.i cant falt er yet boys
  5. iv ad her 18 months now an shes doin well retreve enything good on turns aswell come on then boys lets av it
  6. iv ad her 18 months now an shes doin well retreve enything good on turns aswell
  7. any other boys on yu running a hancock
  8. www.bellsofhythe.com all u need for your catty hope this will help mate
  9. awsum boys put tha photo on the mantle pece
  10. does anyone know were i can catch sum crey fish for the pot.in south wales
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