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Everything posted by redda09

  1. redda09


    accupell do it 4 me
  2. hello.. am jus waiting for me mates ferret 2 have kitts. they shud be silvers think am gona get two jill's and was wondering if anybody had any pictues
  3. jus bring a ferret home 1 day thats wa i done then a dog then a gun i wernt allowed any ov them bu ended up with them
  4. dnt like the newer one me prefer the old one
  5. anyone play online leave ur gamer tags an i will ad u
  6. woke up this mornin and looked out the window an the lot was gone. gutterd any left and wher is it
  7. any one got snow an is it sticking
  8. just come across this pic on google. i think it looks smart. but surely it would jus rust.
  9. does it harm a ferret if its picked up by its tail .
  10. never seen a black squirrel before so i google'd it
  11. i have a second hand weihrauch hw an the previous owner took a scouring pad to the barrel an took of the blue ive tried tha gunblue stuff not much kop. can anyone help
  12. its an oversized one. dont think theres one bigger
  13. Hello mate, With regards to my over post, if you cant do any of the suggestions why dont you just take the silencer off when its going in the bag? might be the way to go, Rob. :doh: the lil grub screw is in a terrible state just about tightend it up enough to keep it on anyone no wer i can get a new grub screw
  14. my bag is already an oversized one its jus the overall lenght ov the gun its just too long
  15. ive changed it sorry my mistake
  16. redda09


    haha you play cod4 am waitn to get my live back on
  17. recently bought the venom kit for my hw80 when i came to install it there was already spring guide in it so am gona put this one up for sale its a replacement for the plastic ones tha come standard in the newer rifles any one interseted pm me
  18. how would i go about doin that if i dont have acsess to a lathe could i find a local machine shop our something
  19. weve got a american bulldog mix an when we have potatoes me mum steams the peelins an mix's them with biscuits an meat an poors any gravy left ova. ive neva seen or heard of any one doin it before but it seems 2 work. it sounds weird ino but dont mock it till u try it.
  20. iv got a hw80 an with the silencer on it's realy long sticks out my gun slip about 2 inches i was wondering iv i shud cut the barrel down an what affects this would have on the perfomance an would i need a new silencer
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