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Everything posted by jamiethehunter

  1. im sorry mate but i cannot and will not believe that 157++32+5=274 any photo's I agree with jamie. You only have 720 minutes in a twelve hour period so you would be shooting every 2.5 minutes or so. If thats true then sign me up next time you go out. Who said they were shot the squirells were shot with air rifle and trapped the rabbits were taken long netting and the dogs got quite a few of them the rats were trapped and the ferals were shot. It's pest control not hunting the land is a farm which has stood empty for 7 years and become over run with pests if you want to give it a
  2. After 10 years you should have an easy time getting an OPEN ticket, do that asap, saves a lot of ongoing grief!!! Thanks for the advice i'll get my variation in asap
  3. I've had my fac for for about 10 years and allways shot on the same piece of land now i've been offered permission on another farm to controll fox and rabbit. At the moment my fac has my current shoot listed on it and my question is if i take up the new permission do i need to apply for an open ticket or have the land checked before i shoot there.
  4. As allready said the supersport is a great gun for the money if you go seconhand then look for a lightning or a hw57/99 you can often pick them up for good prices
  5. Report them and then ignore your young and learning you understand where you went wrong and have admitted it you have shown that you may be 13 years old but you are more mature and more of a adult than those that bully you.
  6. 157 squirells rabbits 32 rats and 5 ferals all taken in a 12 hour session. It was on a farm that had been unused for several years and had been bought by a leisure company that were turning it into an ativity centre for kids it had become over run with pests and they asked me to clear as many as posible in the weeks leading up to the redevelopment.
  7. Hi mate it would help if you told us a bit about how the rifle currently performs like what sort of groupings are you getting and at what distance. Otherwise we could all reccomend stuff and you could end up spending loads of money on things that won't actually make any difference. Also do you have a silencer fitted as this can cause problems with accuracy.
  8. I still have my first air rifle a Bsa merlin i'd never hunt with it but i do enjoy taking it for a walk in the woods shooting acorns with the open sights. Everyone should give the springer with open sights a try it's fun and ou learn a lot.
  9. For airgunning i use the logun it's small and light and will cover all the ranges i shoot at.
  10. It doesn't matter if a gun costs £10, £100 or £1000 we all set ourselves a budget and choose the gun that suits us best within that budget. Comfort and gun fit are overlooked by many shooters for some people a cheaper springer is the best fitting and most comfortable gun for others it's an expensive pcp. As for whether it kills more That has nothing to do with the gun and to some degree nothing to do with the shooter you could be an olympic marksman and still not kill anything. Because fieldcraft and knowledge of your shoot and the habbits of your quarry is what gets results and whatever gu
  11. Guys can we drop the jokes about sheep buffalo and the like or else this thread will get deleted i know there not serious but it's breaking the forum rules to talk about shooting unsuitable quarry sorry to be a killjoy but i think the competition is good fun and i don't want it ruined over a few jokes.
  12. Take a look at the new jsr 3-9x40 it costs £27.99 and is a good scope for the money.
  13. Sounds like it could be a laugh i say score all the pest controll quarry that can be shot all year round then have a catergory labeled other to cover any seasonal quarry or game.
  14. Another good way to attract them is with a rabbit slit open the belly and let the guts hang out magpies can't resist.
  15. There was a thread running last week about silencers on springers do a search you'll find all the answers
  16. A bit more info would help Whats Your budget Does the budget have to include charging gear What sort of shooting do you do This info would really help :thumbs-up:
  17. Hi i'm looking to get into wildfowling does anybody know of any clubs in the weston super mare area Thanks Jamie
  18. For me personally i've owned both and don't think i could pick one over the other i liked them both equally the only reason i don't still own them is they are too heavy.
  19. I prefer shooting springers and when i'm at the club shooting on the range or doing hft i allways use my old hw77. But when i'm out hunting/pest controll on the farm i use a pcp because i'm there to do a job for the farmer and the pcp is quieter and more effective.
  20. Very true, but down wind to your target the twang of a springer is not whats heard that often , its the crack of the exit sound of the pellet,, one of the easiest ways of determining whether your gun needs a silencer is to ask a friend to sit in a safe position parallel to your target,, when you make a shot,, then you have a listen,, then try a silencer, even if its just a cheap push on,, I promise you, you will hear the difference,, give it a go,, nothing to lose,, but a lot to gain,, just an a opinion people,, all the best Rob. This is true but it depends on the land over which y
  21. I would suggest you see if a local rfd will accept delivery of the goods for you and then get it chrono'd before you take it home.
  22. A properly fitted silencer can help a springer but to really get the best out of it you sould consider having the rifle tuned a good tune can remove a lot of the twang and mechanical noise rom the gun.
  23. If the shoot is shared between other firearms users then i think you should allways phone ahead i wouldn't want to get hurt and i wouldn't want to hurt anybody else.
  24. They are a few different reasons for using a filter if the rabbits become wary of the lamp beam and spook a filter can throw them off so they settle for longer though my personal reason for using a filter is just to tame the light down a bit as my lamp lights up a very large area and by using a red filter or blue filter it's not quite so bright. You just have to experiment and see what works sometimes a plain beam is enough othertimes a filter can improve results.
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