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Everything posted by atuddy

  1. yes mate i went last nite a sorted now
  2. i have just phoned him but no answer will try in abit niceone mate
  3. were can i get canural from paulus mate and thanks
  4. anybody know of any useful tips for ear mites
  5. am sorted now mate but thanks for the offer
  6. haha there for my son am sorted now thanks every one who pmd me
  7. ferrets wanted in liverpool area workers or not
  8. dog pups gone to a mate and the bitch is goin to a mates tonite so pups are now gone
  9. dog an bitch here is a pic of the dog at 6 months old and here he is at 8 months hes at the back and his sis on the right here are some of the bitch shes on the right
  10. So nobody use it or have u used it and thought It didn't work for roundworm
  11. like to kill roundworm in dogs and how many ppl use it thanks
  12. no mate pup not for sale now am keeping him took him out the other nite an he done well
  13. niceone mate i carnt believe this pup hasnt gone yet hes a lovely lookin dog and been breed right the sire is from pie lines
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