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Everything posted by CorkyJohn

  1. If the bitch was that good then I'd suggest him looking for a quality dog from similar lines. If it was a mate & he couldn't find one then yes I'd let him Just to add....I've always kept culls so I'd never have this problem
  2. What can I grow in boxes that will be in shade until early afternoon.....thats when we get the sun. It will be against a fence that I could fix trellis if that gives me better options. Any advice appreciated thanks
  3. Agreed Neil, I'd bet most folk on there are not interested in anything hunting related just what some boring b*****d had for breakfast, lunch & dinner.....
  4. Can't see it if you're not on facebook....
  5. All the miniature old type russells round my way are bred for the pet market mostly by pikeys & scrapmen....poor fuckers are bred every 6 months & I can't for the life of me understand why anyone would want one when theres still working russells about.....unless you're wanting one for your gran
  6. Bad time of the year to be trialling a dog....
  7. Irishman take your head out of his arse man......
  8. Thanks mate, I allowed myself a treat that day for reaching the 2lb weight loss mark..
  9. GTE, at least put a smiley at the end of your post so the lad doesn't take you seriously lol
  10. We had some good sport a few years ago up that way retrieving them with the lurchers, had a good few & the keeper said the neighbouring estate had just shot 400. Wouldn't mind another trip Perthshire nice photos mate but I'd change your privacy settings on photobucket
  11. Who is the biggest terrierman in ireland?
  12. I will say this for ya Irishman,if your terriers stay as long at it as you have on here on this thread there not bad.Quality.....
  13. Good, away & take those bin tippers for a walk...
  14. I'm sure lads will be queueing up to let you use their dogs after those comments....moron
  15. You know f**k all about the dog yet you may want a service???
  16. Well that doesn't look like no bellman round his neck lol
  17. Old Nuttall, the breeder has kept that line for over 20yrs
  18. Not one for killing cubs mate, if my permission depended on it then its gotta be done. You've been preaching on separate threads, good on you for having your principles but repeating yourself again & again is starting to have the same effect as those f***ing Jehovahs witnesses constantly knocking on your door trying to ram their beliefs down your throat.....
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