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Everything posted by CorkyJohn

  1. I think thats probably ur best option mate
  2. Be careful who takes him, I'm sure Strongstuff is right in saying that there'll be plenty of peddlers on here who'll take him & sell him on within days
  3. Cheers phil, just downloaded several onto my ipod - trying them 2nite
  4. Nice to know posers can still get down to some dirty graft.... No time for looking in the mirror when you have to clean dog shit off your customers floor
  5. I've looked on a couple of sites which have the sound clips but can't work out how to save them. When I get the menu up it seems to require you to purchase Quick time pro. Any help appreciated, thanks
  6. Cheers Iain, it was a spur of the moment thing when I had the chance to buy Jock, money well spent though. You were heading up to scotland & said you'd be coming back down next day & myself & Andy met you not far from Carlisle. Andy had a bitch on loan from you to run on
  7. Had a Russell pup from him 6yrs ago although he was off Mal Thomas' stuff. At the time I met him he had about 6 terriers in a trailer & although a bit small for my liking they all were marked up. He went out of his way & I found him a decent bloke. The pup I took - sire & g'sire were Jack & Jake going back to Pieman. he started off very hard but settled into a steady worker.
  8. http://www.northerntooluk.com/products.asp...c+Meat+Grinders
  9. "these dogs will take all legal quarry", don't know if you realised but legal quarry nowadays is rabbits & rats which isn't really much is it?
  10. Yeah, this is mine. His name is Spiros & he chops the rabbits really fine. Try any gay dating sites & enter your requirements
  11. Suzuki Vitara LWB 2.0 Turbo Diesel It has been lifted for ground clearance & is very capable offroad - not been stuck yet, although it has been mainly used for lamping with lurchers, driving the fields & some pay & play days Fitted with Insa Turbo Saharas on "15 alloys, Monroe shockers Much more power than the petrol version & goes forever 89k on the clock, 6 months T&T, body work solid -only a touch of surface rust on rear arches Excellent engine, never let me down but smokes a bit when you put your foot down £1200 o.n.o any questions PM me Car based in North East
  12. Out last night, seen a load but alot of them are shy already & not many fields cut yet. Lets hope the riflemen have a poor season
  13. Thats a good price pal, had one myself years ago
  14. shes for work doesnt know a show stance Read the comments Rat Killer has made on other topics Dean. The man (or boy) is an idiot, she's a nice bitch mate
  15. How long have you had the gun pal? It isn't stolen or anything?
  16. Ok then Pritch, u can have it for £2.00........ P&P is £100 mate
  17. But u'd be a mug or a peddler if u use one that young
  18. Book on ebay but could possibly do a swap W.H.Y?
  19. Read it properly - 'I'll say £200 to keep the mods off my back but I'm open to realistic offers.'
  20. Copy for sale in good condition, the dust jacket has a tear roughly 1 & half inches long on the top right hand corner. Seen a copy sell for over £200 on ebay. I'll say £200 to keep the mods off my back but I'm open to realistic offers. Money needed towards car repairs.
  21. Fair enough MRD mate, no one can say you haven't been patient. If I were in your situation I'd breed from her this summer as you can have problems as they get older. It may seem harsh but do your lining & keep what you require & cull the rest. Then you will never have to worry about selling or where pups ended up. Even if I only wanted one pup I'd prob run 2 on then place the other with a friend.
  22. I see people blaming the credit crunch lately for the abundance of cheap/free pups flooding the for sale section & reckon if you truly believe this ur an idiot. There wouldn't be such a problem if folk were honest with themselves & their stock. Too many people breeding from shit & finding it hard to get rid of the pups. The worst do it for 'hopefully' a quick profit, some think/kid themselves their dogs better than they really are. The decent stock don't require advertising & any spare pups are culled. Its a hard reality but if breeding for your own replacement, homes for pups
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