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Everything posted by CorkyJohn

  1. Hows the motor now mate? You come round yet? lol
  2. Simba your signature says it all :wankerzo4:
  3. Better stuff to do? Try spending more time on your grammar you f*****g illiterate
  4. If thats the case why is it the other hunting forums rarely have pups for sale or they are offered free to genuine or 'true dogmen', whereas on here you get people selling any shite to anyone, no questions just pay up & it's yours! You can argue all day Simba, any decent bloke breeding for himself would keep what he requires, place pups with mates & maybe sell one or two if necessary.
  5. Hardly likely unless I wanna do porridge, best stick to doing your homework young'un
  6. have to doubt the quality of the spades used, think if they were bulldog etc the mark up price once made would be extortionate
  7. Its got nothing to do with condition you silly little c**t, there is no need to keep that many pups on a bitch. Some folk are too soft these days, if lads bred for themselves & done away with the rest there'd be alot less shite around. Fact is keeping the rest of them pups to sell shows the greed involved, extra £50 for bitches? Why? Cos the buyer stands to gain when bred in the future - money rears its ugly head again. So take your head out your mates arse
  8. It doesn't surprise me cos alot of the pups bred in the northeast have false papers
  9. I was offered £600 for my whippet x about 13yrs ago by a mate of Plummers, he was known for ferrets at the time, think he wrote a book. I told him he was handy on the rabbits & would get stuck into fox but he wasn't nowt special, he picked him up like a baby (on his back) then made me an offer. My dog was PTS last year aged 15
  10. gready c*nt. why do borders cost so much
  11. Working Terriers by Jeremy Hobson must qualify for the title of one of the worst terrier books ever written
  12. This may sound a bit harsh but you kept all 13 pups to sell, not thinking of the bitch. You want an extra £50 for the bitches - the words selfish & greed come to mind
  13. Bollocks, the plastic poles that hold the wire will bend & the chances are its that close to the hedge it is just as likely to hit the hedge/fence like in any other situation
  14. If you're looking for a book on working Borders there isn't one, the Roslyn-Williams book has a few chapters which aren't worth reading. I'm sure Mr Bluck might write one in time
  15. Electric fencing isn't a problem, might give the dog a jolt but at least it won't give you a vets bill like barbed wire can do
  16. If you waited for the 'perfect night' weatherwise you'd probably manage a dozen nights lamping per season
  17. Thats a clean motor Gramas, too clean for a dog motor
  18. Thats bad luck mate, only thing I can't understand is why you would have terriers running free if you didn't know the ground you were working. I'd have thought it best to walk the ground & look for spots they shouldn't i.e setts, old mine workings etc. Sorry for your loss though, nearly as bad as having a dog stolen
  19. The people defending this neglect are f*****g deluded. These pups are in shit condition & it can only be the breeders fault, I'd be ashamed to let anyone look at these for fear of a visit from the authorities
  20. You should part with the dog, you don't have the time & shouldn't have even bought him in the 1st place. Place him in a home where he can have the attention & training he requires. Wait til the kids are alot older before considering getting another
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