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Everything posted by CorkyJohn

  1. FTB is a lying, bullshitting, hypocritical little arsehole. I doubt your brother is a keeper & I'm certain if he'd have defied his boss he'd be jobless. I might be wrong but if I am he certainly has an understanding boss. Do you work for the SSPCA in any form?
  2. FTB you're full of shit, the headkeeper would've finished him on the spot. Unless he had something on the headkeeper, was he gonna grass him for killing birds of prey? Just wondering if grassing ran in the family?
  3. No, I wouldn't. My brother is a keeper and when his headkeeper told him to flatten the brown hares on the estate (of which there are pleanty) and he could keep any money he got from the game dealer (abour £4 a hare) he was told to go and f**k himself. Some sportsmen have principles. I have mine. As Goliath said hares were born to run and lurchers were born to course - and although it's illegal in the eyes of the law it aint to many decent honerouble sportsmen including myself. I am not going to take the bait, as I know chimp put this up to deliberately provoke a reaction..
  4. I partly agree with your reasons in comparison to track greyhounds/ex racers but a GHD reared from a pup could match a lurcher on any of the above. I disagree with prey drive as purebreds will usually have a go at anything & are fired up more than most when chasing. Turning just comes down to experience & if a dog has the intelligence to use it's speed. The only drawbacks I would think are stamina & injuries due to the speed they have.
  5. last christmas i got a loan of your book and read it in a night it was the first book on terriers that i read and by far the best. it was a great read really enjoyable read. i have a pair of borders and hope to get them working i would be very interested in the new book and joining the working border club Did you ever get round to reading any others or is that why it was the best? Fair play to JB for publishing his book but Harcombes been around longer & his books are by far the best available
  6. stobbart breeding means looks before working ability, silly pup prices & many failiures. I know a lad who bought a %100 dog on trial £400, took it out, it went in & came back out after baying for 2mins then he returned the dog. The dog was sold on, heard too many stories about his breeding
  7. Wow, I'll have 3 if there's any left :sick:
  8. Enter the over "25 class at the lurcher show
  9. Still nowhere near as good as the digital transceivers
  10. If only they'd have been a 12 TN
  11. Best offer over £200 secures. Box cost £240 10 months ago, not been used much due to loss of permission. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=290451860251&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT
  12. Bullshit. I bet there's plenty of dogs in the north east that would be a better option than your untested dog. Infact I reckon the results would be more worth while using a good halfx. There again we don't know how good your mates bitch is & if she's worth breeding off do we. The fact he wants to use your dog shows he hasn't a clue. FACT - your dog could jack at the start of the season
  13. Just under 2 & he's already lined a bitch My dog was 10 month when he lined a bitch but at least I had the sense to get her jabbeb as the dog had done f**k all What a load of shit, I bet there's plenty better dogs than yours & a good half x would probably be a better bet anyway look corky john you know fu** all mate you always get one pr*ck dont you he only lined my mates bitch because she is getting on to about seven or eight year old and its now or never for a pup so i lined his bitch as a favour... to me the dog hasnt done enough to be a stud but i am helping a mate o
  14. Just under 2 & he's already lined a bitch My dog was 10 month when he lined a bitch but at least I had the sense to get her jabbeb as the dog had done f**k all look corky john you know fu** all mate you always get one pr*ck dont you he only lined my mates bitch because she is getting on to about seven or eight year old and its now or never for a pup so i lined his bitch as a favour... to me the dog hasnt done enough to be a stud but i am helping a mate out so you can keep youre comments to youre self.i dont realy come on this site much anymore and youve just reminded me why
  15. find yourself a harkila for that price.when you do, buy it straightaway then go have a beer to celebrate. these jackets rarely come up for sale because they are 'the bollox'people that buy them don't normally want to sell them on. Was offered one by a member on here mate, it was too small but he only wanted £ for it & it was in good nick.
  16. Same rules for everyone, your ad needs a price mate
  17. Just under 2 & he's already lined a bitch My dog was 10 month when he lined a bitch but at least I had the sense to get her jabbeb as the dog had done f**k all
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