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Everything posted by CorkyJohn

  1. Why not take the time to find out if he's trying to sell him one before you run your mouth off? Why don't you read my last sentence before you join in arsehole
  2. I've heard of pups go down with similar symptoms & in each case it was parvo.
  3. The breeder was obviously a shitbag keeping unvaccinated pups til that age, if he couldn't sell them by 10wks they should've been jabbed. You've learnt a hard lesson mate & if I had a pup here I'd gladly give you it for free. I'm sure someone can help you out, there's plenty folk breeding who can't find homes for all their pups. Dogsbollocks58, the lad has just lost his pup & if you're trying to sell him one you're a f*****g arsehole. If you're offering to gift him one I apologise
  4. Keep on trying mate but maybe try & take him somewhere the rabbits are well out from cover even if it means poaching. Once he catches he should click & there'll be no stopping him
  5. I'm not a fan of coursing & find these videos usually pretty boring but I could watch that bitch run all day
  6. I'd have slit the bunnies open but left their guts intact & chucked them in his cab - " there's your f*****g evidence pal, enjoy your supper!"
  7. Its fine everyone jumping on the humane sportsman band wagon but if I had to choose between pups from the tooled up assistant or the hunter who kept a dog do what it was bred to do, I know which way I'd go. Keep taking pups from the pullers/jackers & there'll be plenty more shite kicking around than there already is
  8. I suppose we've been lucky in that our dogs are fast enough for the quarry we run, have plenty of wind & strong enough to do a quick job also. They are fairly fast dogs for their size around 70-80lb mark, bitches a little smaller
  9. A decent fast bullx should be capable though mate, like you said - dogs for jobs
  10. The dog should be capable of killing what it runs unless its deer I can understand assisting, not wanting to ruin the meat. How would a fox dog learn its trade without testing it a little? Some foxes are easily killed others are not but I can't understand anyone having to repeatedly finish foxes for a dog, if thats the case get something more suited or stick to running rabbits & hares JMO
  11. I was being sarcastic about Penny taylor.I want to read about hard run match dogs, grafting terreirs, and storys from fellas who lamp heaps of rabbits a good few nights a week. not someone who " Dont like to hear that" when a terreir and a fox are mixing it below. as i was told by a fella who went out with her once. So you like to hear your dog getting smashed to bits do you? I don't need to come on like some big machiso hard dog man: after all I'm just a woman. LOL I don't have to big it up and be hard and act like I don't care about my dogs: but I have worked my dogs on all game for
  12. I was being sarcastic about Penny taylor.I want to read about hard run match dogs, grafting terreirs, and storys from fellas who lamp heaps of rabbits a good few nights a week. not someone who " Dont like to hear that" when a terreir and a fox are mixing it below. as i was told by a fella who went out with her once. So you like to hear your dog getting smashed to bits do you? I don't need to come on like some big machiso hard dog man: after all I'm just a woman. LOL I don't have to big it up and be hard and act like I don't care about my dogs: but I have worked my dogs on all game for
  13. Colour is irrelevant, so why do people keep mentioning it? Seems like the breeding is so what does it matter if it's choc/copper/black? If you bought this pup I doubt trading standards would get involved due to it's colour FFS
  14. Not bought the CMW for years, absolute garbage with articles written by folk who seem superior & more knowledgeable to the rest of us. It has one use though, & that is to allow people to peddle their pups for KC prices. I don't even buy the EDRD these days as it has gone down hill, it got to the point where I only enjoyed reading Dave Harcombes articles & possibly one or two others. I also believe it was starting to contain far too many american articles JMO
  15. Why would anyone mess about breeding EBT lurchers? Again breeding from untested animals? Don't tell me, the EBT that was used was well tested & a game animal? What about the rest of the line, show dogs? Seem to me like you're breeding shite to shite & hoping for the best. Just my opinion but whatever's said about the Alaunt x's I'm sure better could've been gained in a lot shorter a time with a decent line of bull.
  16. Can't understand why anyone breeding a litter would leave dewclaws on their pups. Quick easy job to remove & saves alot of hassle taping them up later in life. I suppose again it comes down to if the person is breeding for himself/mates or selling the pups to anyone
  17. Can't believe folks fell for this windup. The teddy in the photo was a nice touch mate, really set the windup off
  18. Fair play earthy, some folk would've spat their dummys out for the piss take
  19. Who's that then? You telling porkies?
  20. how many times may i ask have yoou seen top class animals run out of lamping and coursing stuff and doont just say loads i want names and there breeding pm if you wish.Same goes to you mr desserthunter Never seen one mate, don't think they exist. Especially with the coursing dogs, I've heard of special dogs that have jacked & the owners have kept quiet about it so the breeding/selling pups for stupid money can continue Doubt lads would appreciate namedropping either, for all I know you could be a dog thief
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