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Everything posted by CorkyJohn

  1. Starting a club is a waste of time, what happened to johnny blucks club? The only hope for the working border is for close knit groups of genuine working terrier lads to test & cull hard, place pups with each other & keep these pups out of the hands of idiots & knackers who 'fancy' a Border as they're starting out. It goes without saying there shouldn't be any money changing hands & anyone trying to justify selling them for +£300 is full of shit
  2. you just got to look in right place Correct mate but I reckon the lads with decent stuff wont be too keen on parting with their stuff. Theres been a lot of shite produced & sold as working stuff in Durham & these same lads are the ones that troll the shows, fabricate pedigrees & are only interested in how much they can make
  3. You said it was an accidental mating & cos you never knew she had been covered it was too late for the jab which is fair enough. What I can't understand is why you allowed the bitch to keep all 11 pups? Any decent dog lad would've culled very hard had this happened. I personally would never keep that many pups on a bitch even if it was an experienced bitch. I had my bitch caught by my 11 month pup by accident & it was straight down the vets to get sorted. How much did you make from the pups?
  4. Are these the same canine kennels that went bankrupt leaving people without their money then opening under another name?
  5. Anyone recommend a supplier at a fair price? Cheers
  6. I spoke to one bloke who said the only downside being the amount of food they put away, they dont eat like little dogs lol
  7. An ex terrierman ran a pack of bassetts flushing foxes up here, he passed on a 2 or 3 yrs ago & I never heard what happened to the pack
  8. IMO you're nothing more than a peddlar, waiting for the arseholes to say high prices puts the knackers off.......Bullshit, these pups are bred to make money & nothing else.
  9. Cant upload pictures he sent me, if genuinely interested text him on 07749301638 & he'll send you a pic
  10. ring the lad wezza & he'll meet you
  11. I'll ask him & try & get them up asap, thanks
  12. the batteries would cost a good few quid to post mate, they're quite heavy
  13. Mate has wrapped in with lurchers so has a Lightforce Striker lamp with 3 batteries for sale. 12v 17amp, 12v 18amp, 12v 24amp He's asking £ ono, Newcastle upon Tyne
  14. Mates son has lost interest in shooting so for sale we have the above fitted with a Hawke Sport HD4x32 scope, air arms S410 silencer. Also comes with bag & a few C02 cartridges. £100 he's asking, based in Newcastle upon Tyne
  15. Thats one of the gayest videos....... the first slip that ground was bone dry, summer time hunter with no thought for the dogs feet
  16. Jesus christ.....I hope thats a toddler holding them 2 otherwise they'll be limited where they can work
  17. At last finally some sense, gift & cull if necessary. I'd sooner cull/keep back what I required than sell. Same goes for folk studding their dogs to anything & everything for the price of a pup
  18. Think he just means they needed a harder dog that would take hold to finish the job the bayer couldn't mate. so even after you knew the place could not be dug, you went away and got another dog and put him to ground as well in the same spot . Think he just meant they needed a dog that would take hold to finish the dig mate
  19. Well Hack I think this is a dog that is related to that dog of yours out a bitch belonging to DR its the dog on the right sitting up. Nice animals mate
  20. Who mentioned a hard dog baying? You're not making sense mate, the dog I described was mute... I'm saying he done the same job as your type of dog but probably avoiding more stick just by his knack of getting the job done. A vixen in tight finished his career, he didn't try & avoid punishment just got the better of the tussles he had til it was dead or erm....going nowhere
  21. I understand what you're getting at Wilko but this dog was as hard as I've seen both giving & taking stick. Not gonna go into details mate but he was a quick killer of foxes & in a 'tussle' he always seemed to be the stronger of his opposition. Loads of times broke through to him ontop of his quarry taking his favourite hold at the base of the neck.
  22. Squeeze the anal glands out mate, enjoy :sick:
  23. Double of a Middleton dog we used to dig to Clachan
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