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Everything posted by CorkyJohn

  1. What do you mean by needles? Did he have his first innoculations?
  2. all it is, is i heard off a bloke that had a pup from the same litter also a dog, and he said theyre going to be small. So was just wondering what u lads thought you wont know til he's finished growing mate, anyone can guess but I've had a litter that were like peas in a pod where they ranged from "23 to "28 both smallest & largest being both dogs so you can never tell.....aslong as he does what you require it shouldn't make a difference
  3. depends on your insurance company hily but as I'm sure you're aware most insurance companies will do anything to avoid paying out. Bigger tyres, MT's or AT's can all be classed as a modifications. More often than not if you drive a 4x4 its best to use a specialist 4x4 company like Adrian Flux, Sureterm or 2gether. Always best to be honest with them
  4. no such thing as an average height, he might shoot up or grow steadily & could turn out at any height...all dogs are different
  5. I've never seen a terrier pup that wouldnt rag a brush if encouraged to to so. If its bold & healthy thats a start, if the breedings right Even better.....forget the ragging, its a pup
  6. Not had terriers for a couple of years now since losing my digging permission due to change of keeper. Kept lurchers since then but would love to get back into the terriers as terriers were what my hunting was always based around. I've been offered a farm in the borders from a mate but its not enough to justify getting a terrier. Ideally if anyone could do with a spare pair of hands in northumberland/borders or even durham. Have a 4x4 & would happily do the driving & contribute towards costs etc. Whether its on a farm, shoot or with a pack i'd be grateful. Completely trustworthy, never
  7. Buy a pup & bring it on yourself, some right retards on here will peddle their own mothers for a few quid
  8. if your mate wants anything for it then he aint your mate
  9. If you're insinuating these dogs are digging dogs & post a picture of 2 dogs who look like they haven't seen a thing you're asking for abuse. A working dog will take some stick no matter what, I've seen regular ratting dogs marked up more than thoses 2. I also know keepers who keep yappy things just for bolting & they fit the bill. My mate had a bitch the double of the red one in the pic & she was an out & out bayer that would only mark fox, she lost an eye & was still marked up. Suppose it depends if you work your dogs every week or a few times a year.....good luck with th
  10. I would never start dog off with another present, theres no need & it can affect the dogs retrieving & cause jealousy. I just try to make sure the weathers right to ensure the rabbits are sitting well out from cover. I used to use the same fields for starting pups as there weren't too many rabbits there but the ones that were would always be sitting a long way out from the wood. Last thing you want is a young dog hunting up rabbit after rabbit if its missed the first. Perservere taking the dog out on its on, try & stack the odds in its favour & if I thought I'd need to give a p
  11. I found I had to part with one in the end, turn your back for a minute & they're at it. Not worth the hassle IMO but if you have plenty kennel space try separating. Letting them fight it out is stupid...especially with terriers
  12. You're always gonna get genuine sounding folk who turn out to be backstabbing arseholes who might contribute to you losing acres of permission, had it happen to myself but luckily I got my permission back.....only to lose it 6yrs later to another backstabbing arsehole, thats why I had to give up the terrierwork lost 4500acres
  13. Wish I had the land to hunt a few hounds, I have a supply of butchers waste that is mainly chicken carcasses, skin, lamb bones plus scraps. I could easy feed a pack
  14. Gotta have some collie in it for brains, bull for heart, saluki for stamina, deerhound for coat & a fabricated working pedigree for profitability....oh aye
  15. Its gotta be a wind up Sorry mate but wasn't being serious about buying pups, theres always better available & even more pointless breeding from shite
  16. Probably be the best ever rabbiting dogs ever bred, always guaranteed with mongrel crosses, put me down for a couple aslong as you're not asking more than £200 a pup
  17. Again......the only person who would seriously consider this breeding are idiots & folk out for the money. You're not breeding for yourself so consider yourself another contribution to the peddlars income if you go ahead with this. No sane person would breed to enhance their working line
  18. I worm as usual, mine were weaned on minced flesh then went onto this diet at 8wks old
  19. Mate has standard cherokee converted to lpg & he gets 200 miles on £40....you must be getting your gas well cheap
  20. I don't feed any supplements & dont have any problems with the dogs. Chicken carcasses, skin, lamb ribs, occasionally fish & organs, even in the winter I increase their fat content depending on workload & have never noticed any need for supplements
  21. accidental mating should be culled, if the person bred these intentionally they want their heads seeing to
  22. For a start only a mug would consider using an 18 month old dog, how much work has the dog actually seen? Impressive pups as in what? Size, looks? Theres some long lines of tested bullx's out there so why use something that is untried/untested that can't produce any better than whats already available? I'm sure if you advertise him at stud in the CMW some idiots will line your pockets.....goodluck
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