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Everything posted by CorkyJohn

  1. Your pals getting rid of a bull x aswell aint he....are you 2 moving away together?
  2. Aye he was when mma was in its infancy......he got found out later in his career, just like other 'hall of famers', he'd still last longer in a ring than a boxer would in a cage
  3. Touch a nerve did I mastermind?
  4. Always makes me laugh these debates about a how a boxer wouldnt last 5 minutes in a mma octagon.......or a footballer wouldnt last 5 minutes on a rugby pitch......................same old daft comparisons...... Put a mma fighter in a boxing ring or a rugby player on a football pitch and they wouldnt last 3 minutes let alone 5 !...................... sorry mate but you're talking bollocks, put an mma fighter in a boxing ring & he may not win but I reckon he'd take the beating pretty well. You're comparison of a rugby player on a football pitch?????
  5. He's proven he's easily put on his arse & that by bums. There'll be no getting back up once he REALLY gets hit by someone half decent
  6. Holding him back for year's he is 24 id like to see him fight price thou.. He's been a pro since 2008 FFS, so yes years......he fights bums yet says he's the best around.
  7. What is the point? You will spend years wasting time, money & if done right culling failures. Theres lads 20 to 30yrs ahead of you so why not just contact someone who keeps what would be your ideal & go from there? Its the same as these idiots breeding 'exotic' lurcher crosses when theres already plenty dogs/breeding out there to choose from doing the job
  8. He's awful, been holding him back for years. Fights nobodies, get him in with price first then Klitschko. I reckon he's hoping vitali will retire then he'll avoid vladimir cos he'll destroy him
  9. Hounds will/can put foxes to ground, if a fox isn't below you can't dig it can you? The estate I dug on the foxes would be lying up in cover in all but the harshest weather so it meant pushing the gorse through with lurchers. For me hounds & terriers are the perfect combination for control.
  10. I'd be less concerned about the money you want for him & more about the person he's going to.....good luck rehoming him
  11. Johnny777 I'm not an expert on borders, I've owned & worked one who was good bolting dog but not a digging dog & not worthy of breeding from. My point being my opinion is just that, an opinion based on limited experience thats why I wouldnt argue with experience unless I knew for a fact it was bullshit. You however, continue to spout nothing but bullshit....based on bullshit
  12. I hear crozzo has some game, proven terriers....try him
  13. Sorry about your pup mate, thanks for letting us know what to look for
  14. Playing the hunting horn, he featured in NME aswell. Is he a captain of a terrier team?
  15. Its been quite a good piss take this.....just nailed it with buy now, pay later & a planned litter lmfao
  16. That offer of the free flesh is still there but it might be honking a bit by the time it gets down there
  17. If I knew someone was genuinely after a pup, they'd defo look after it & that I had a litter on I'd never think of charging for a pup.....ever. This would only happen if I knew the person though, I'd even supply the food as mine are flesh fed & I've never paid for dogfood for a good few years now.....I draw the line at vets bills though. So all in all although it is a bit of a piss take, I wouldnt hesitate in gifting a lad a pup in his situation IF they could be trusted or vouched for. Good luck finding a pup
  18. I'm about 400 miles away but if I leave now I'll be there for morning. Dont worry about my breakfast I'll stop at a shop & get some bacon for us both, just reverse charge the call about 8am so I can tell u where I am & get directions. See u in the morning mate
  19. PM killing crew, he's probably the best one to ask mate
  20. I bought his first, decent read but not worth the money. Wait til you can get one 2nd hand otherwise you'll just be contributing to the blokes swimming pool......if his barn conversion is finished
  21. Doubt I'll make boxing day mate, been invited for a look out daytime on new years day but not sure yet
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