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Everything posted by CorkyJohn

  1. Ultrasound I bought off a greyhound bloke who was wrapping in, I bought a magbox aswell but haven't used this setup as yet. Ebay item........
  2. So if you're a law abiding hunter I take it your lurchers are shite & you're hoping a terrier will catch more?
  3. If they're on preloved the seller is only interested in money & nothing else
  4. Rossboi is probably on commision cos the bloke has come out with pure shit so far. Cant have a whippet lurcher but can have a terrier? Wants a docked terrier but they aren't available in scotland? Doesn't need a fox dog just a rabbiter/ratter but feels the need to get one from unheard from lines in blackburn?????
  5. Well said mick? Bullshit, the dog is a failure at what it was intended for so what does he do with it? Sell it for as much as he can get......you lads who say he's doing nothing wrong are complete arseholes simple as
  6. The lad needed rid & stabba made as good an offer as a decent lad is gonna get....seems the money talked at the end of the day
  7. Lads tbh I know very few honest terrier lads, even mates I used to hunt with were turned when money came into it. I fell out with one lad who wanted to use my russell over his bitch. The dog had done little work & I knew the pups would be sold so I refused & lost access to some decent land. If I could build up trust with a someone of the same mindset would be great but thats the most difficult part when looking for a pup, how many lads with decent stuff sell pups on a forum?
  8. trying to breed a line of chocolates? Easier to buy a box me thinks.....rossboi you obviously have low standards therefore as someone said last night just buy a cur from the pound & save your coin. People like you would attract less negative comments if you just admitted the look of a dog was more important than working ability.
  9. Can I just ask why you said you cant have a lurcher at this time but you can a terrier?
  10. Whippet lurcher will put far more in the bag than a terrier
  11. I'll try & post a photo of the unit . I was told it was for treating injuries & targeting specific areas like wrists etc. I was led to believe it works in the same way as a magbox does so am I wrong in describing it as an ultrasound? Thanks
  12. Does anyone use one? I have a 'One 2 One Mk2' ultrasound which I bought from a mate. He purchased it with a magbox from a greyhound bloke but never used it as he hadn't received any instructions for the unit. Any advice appreciated as I've tried to find a copy of the instruction manual & might just list it on ebay yet, thanks
  13. Does anyone use one? I have a 'One 2 One Mk2' ultrasound which I bought from a mate. He purchased it with a magbox from a greyhound bloke but never used it as he hadn't received any instructions for the unit. Any advice appreciated as I've tried to find a copy of the instruction manual & might just list it on ebay yet, thanks
  14. Fairplay mate, makes a change someone finding the time vetting the prospective new owner. The majority of peddlars on THL would've slapped a £200 price tag on the dog & sold to the first there with the coin.
  15. Thats a long drive for a pup you want for rats & rabbits. Sure there'll be a litter of working bred pups closer to you in the summer. Why not put a wanted ad up?
  16. Just read that thread & that poacherman is full of shit lol
  17. Cos his mate (singular not plural) is selling a dog aswell lol
  18. If he gets her neutered before rehoming fair enough but the fact he wants 200 notes for a failed earth dog indicates to me he has no intention. Due to the breeding, whether fabricated or not, this bitch is just as likely to end up in a peddlars yard as in a genuine home.Sure someone decent would take this bitch on & put some more time into her, if she did come good maybe an agreement for a pup in return, if not pts
  19. Fancy a swap for a plummer terrier? Its a shite worker but its handy to kick when you feel the need....
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