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Everything posted by CorkyJohn

  1. As mentioned I don't think folk hate russells, its just a case of finding a good line of proper digging stuff & the hardest part.....being able to get a pup from them.
  2. watch it tuffty....we might have to go down the 'is ratting real work' avenue again lol
  3. Was the yorkshire terrier ever a prized breed, for showing maybe for working.....me thinks not
  4. If my pup is chocolate but its mam was black & its dad was red. What colour would be the best for going to ground on rabbits? Shit he's gone.......gutted as its something I really needed to know, also what colour should his nails be?
  5. Lmfao.....ross I hope you're not an adult asking these questions
  6. Ross after seeing sense & not trailing to blackburn for a show bred patterdale you got yourself a pup......you say it has parson in it so I reckon its not the best breeding you could've found, however.......why are you bothered what the f*****g thing looks like?
  7. Aye dunk the pup in warm water, after 5 mins if his coat fluffs up he'll be broken or rough
  8. For £250 I'd be looking for a bellman, I sold a D3 to a member on here a while back for £100
  9. Fairplay lads, dig of a life time. They say a dog is only as good as its last dig & even though the old bitch passed away she never let you down & her final dig was a one none of you will ever forget. ATB lads
  10. Thats fair enough mick but I cant imagine killing numbers digging them if you dug the pens/gamecrops we did you'd be on weeks mate. Smaller spots fair enough but the keepers on the estate we done wanted as many killed as possible in a couple of weekends at the end of the season before they started putting poison down. It was a 2hr drive mate so we couldnt just pop up there through the week.
  11. To add I believe its the fumes not the smoke that gets them to bolt
  12. Too much smoke I think overwhelms them, normal mixture give it a blast then turn the smoker off & wait. Too often you see people revving the tits off their smokers non stop when their really is no need
  13. Sorry for ruining this thread people, I gave an honest opinion til this arsehole started
  14. You're intelligence astounds me fred.....you've been kicked off the dole???? My for sale posts...and???? Some of us work fred.....who else will subsidise through taxes lowlifes like yourself to have a lie in & watch jeremy kyle every morning eh?
  15. You're a marked man fred, anyone taking a walk with you is asking for bother. Let things go instead of having a go at folk for everything & anything, you make posts & delete them cos you contradict yourself. Now finish your cans & go to bed, you have to sign on in the morning
  16. Just putting the feelers out fred, think am sorted now. Reason I asked is theres a few decent dog lads on here who talk sense, thats who my request was aimed at not a thick illiterate pudding like you, heard plenty of your bullshit & seen your police video. Hope you culled that PACK of donkeys you slipped on that one deer.....how many dogs were running at once again?
  17. Fred aint it about time you were picked up by the police again you fuckwit?
  18. Been through it myself with an aggressive dog, tried my patience so I threw him in at the deep end so to speak. He was coming close to being pts, his first dig & a few hours later he came up trumps. No puppy earth this but tbh I wasn't bothered if he failed at this point. Another few successful digs & I seen some promise in him after he embarrassed a couple of experienced dogs on a fox drive. Although he stayed & I put up with the hassle of having to keep dogs separated I wouldn't do it again....get rid of the trouble maker
  19. Thats a shitter mate, freak accident. Hope things pick up for you quickly
  20. Put salt in its food????? Jesus.....the pups not dehydrated just doesn't drink much, don't f**k about with her food mate
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