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Everything posted by CorkyJohn

  1. But still a big chance of wasting a couple of years finding out.....in other words, why take a chance wasting your money buying fancy bred shite when you can get working bred pups for less.
  2. Pmsl......even a terrier bred from shit workers would be a better bet, pay silly money for one & let us know how you get on
  3. Maybe double check your own spelling mate lol......I'm creased here
  4. I'll not quote you anymore just so you can delete your comments at a later date. You'll look less of a twat then.....
  5. http://reviews.wickes.co.uk/9987-en_gb/220081/reviews.htm - Leaves really sharp prints... Thanks for clearing that up mate, that must be the Bellman & Flint of sand...... This is what I love about THL, the untapped terriermans secrets that can be discovered
  6. http://reviews.wickes.co.uk/9987-en_gb/220081/reviews.htm - Leaves really sharp prints... Thanks for clearing that up mate, that must be the Bellman & Flint of sand......
  7. Borderforce you at some point deleted alot of what you said earlier, why? I missed it but folk quoted you & I was able to read some of the drivel you'd written. Why you need to be discreet with your tracking skills is beyond me. By the way, can I just ask what grade of sand you recommend for badger detection just so I dont slip up in future?
  8. doesn't kill every time but aye 9/10 foxes it kill,,,,, more effective than a terrier..... do your homework u twat no need to call me a twat now is there ive done my homework but id like know where you got that info from you said 9 out of 10 it kills so for every 10 foxes you shot 1 runs off with a bullet in his arse so that 10 out of a 100 and 100 in 1000 that's not as effective as you make outthe man asked the difference between a fox earth and a badger set he didn't ask for you to tell him what he should do id drop some sand at the entrance if i wanted to know then leave it for a week or
  9. If you can afford to fork out £20k for a motor I'd think getting an extra 10mpg wouldnt be such an issue.....
  10. Carrying your digging gear around is enough without carrying a sandbag. You dont need to be a Davey Crockett to be able to check for hairs/prints/faeces etc.....anyone who feels the need to resort to putting up cameras or putting sand down needs to depend a bit more time learning fieldcraft. With the laws being as they have for years surely this is the first thing you learn?
  11. I've had Vitaras for years both petrol & diesel. I drive a 2001 Grand Vit now & it is the best I've had. About 35mpg round the doors & had 42mpg on a run. They have the Peugeot HDI engines which are cheap to replace, but reliable anyway. Doubt I'd have anything else now as the bigger 4x4's dont return the same mpg & are more expensive to insure.
  12. Very nice SS however, how many have the space to kennel 18 terriers lol
  13. you are feeling sleepy, very,very sleepy :laugh: Wanker lol
  14. I didnt think you were, I'm open to others opinions & advice
  15. Maybe so, only reason I jabbed that young was due to going away for a while & couldnt rely on mate to jab them. Never had any problems though but something I'd consider in future before jabbing a pup
  16. I've jabbed pups at 5wks old & never had any problems, would keep them away from well used dog walking areas for a couple of weeks after
  17. Enjoy your write ups OD, sounds like you have a cracking pack who know their game....roll on next season
  18. Well as has already been said, accidents can happen to anyone & if this is a concern for you I suggest you give up hunting. I imagine you'd be the first to leg it if it came on top......folk like you are not needed, maybe we should look at using border collies instead of hounds, I doubt the results would be the best but I reckon the obedience side would be second to none
  19. It can provide quality entertainment when the weathers not right for going out or when the motor is off the road. Far better than the tv anyway. I'd say I've learned more about how to NOT do things than how TO DO things, but......theres some decent lads on this site.
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