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Everything posted by CorkyJohn

  1. Shows what a c**t that bluck is then.....
  2. Looking for ideas what could be used to store sacks of feed & left on site. Been looking at horse feed bins but they are quite expensive, thanks
  3. Shame this pathetic won't accept what they've been told for years....decent read
  4. Has the stud dog been culled or is the owner 'just gonna keep him as a pet'?
  5. f**k me do you take everything as serious? I'd never want anyone banned for telling a shit joke, its embarrassing enough they think its funny enough to post it in the first place, my comment was a figure of speech. On a different note I wasn't having a dig at your age mate, I'm assuming you're born in '68? It was just a generalisation about middle aged folk being boring. I took your advice & don't look at the status updates anymore
  6. You'd be surprised mate....suppose some are easier pleased than others, I'd expect this from a middle aged boring c**t with no craic though
  7. Thanks for the input, expect that from a bellend.....cheers Deputydog, I've been in touch with joe
  8. Ah right, a section for livestock & dogs I'd expect animals though mate not fencing. I'd have thought the miscellaneous section would be more apt, good luck with the sale
  9. Does it take rabbit/hare/fox......sorry mate thought I was in the working dogs/livestock section for a minute
  10. Anyone have a contact number for her please?
  11. Its the petrol fumes that shift the rats, don't overdo it as too much just kills alot of them below. Seen lads rev the tits of a smoker non stop. Try giving it 10 seconds or so, shut the engine off & wait.....you miss far fewer rats IMO
  12. I think you're missing my point mate, running those would sort the real dogs from the jackers I meant
  13. Illegal to run lurchers over there mate but aye, pretty sure those 'pigs' would sort the bullx's out
  14. Then again theres small bitches that can do what alot of big strong bitches should do, but are found out when pushed. Big isn't always best.....unless you're talking penis size
  15. is that to me? The mother and father to my bitch was both under 26 , an my bitch is 29Rob, dam 26.5", sire 25", but she 29", and to the people saying tall no power, can't turn, can't pick up etc, you must've been looking at some SHIT dogs! This bitch is between 75- lb, fit as f**k and very well muscled up, but racy with it, not bulky or overly developed, and is incredibly powerful, but also very agile. Can get down even to pick mice up with no bother at all, never mind rabbits! She gets mistaken for a pure greyhound dog all the time, even by people who've kept greyhounds and lurchers for yea
  16. te only difference being this pup won't be a rabbit dog bud Therefore looks shouldnt enter into the equation. Find the best pup you can from digging dogs regardless of looks, a black pup is a black pup.
  17. Nows probably the time to delete your account Pat Black......lmao
  18. Upto 2004 are the pug engines I think, they started using the renault diesel engine after this I think. I'd avoid freelanders full stop, just my preference but had mates who thought little of them
  19. Dont know why folk think they need to be fit or strong to dig. My dog would probably be better tested cos it takes me all day. Just pace yourself, nice steady pace for 10mins, stop for a steak pie to stock up on 'good carbs' washed down with a can of energy drink. Take 5mins to let your food settle, again a steady pace. Its not too taxing when you have 20 stone to ease the spade through the turf, the odd chocolate bar now & again. Pop into the bushes for a dump, last nights kebab coming through. If you can manage like this I'm sure nobody will knock your terrier for its 6hr dig.....even if
  20. CorkyJohn


    ...........................................no.....you seem a nice fella Bird.....so im saying nothing to say trying keep calm bud, and as you know we been round strong full on dogs, that a choc treat dont work lol Think it might be a struggle lifting a pits legs & separating its grip at the same time, even more so if theres 2 involved
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