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Everything posted by CorkyJohn

  1. You can't compare that video with earthwork, if you did its the equivalent of dropping several terriers to ground. Single handed is, or should be the aim. Those dogos are catch dogs & they bottled it until they had enough back up
  2. Does he work the jagds or just breed from them?
  3. Hope they do as earthdogs morton but you hear very little of them. Just wondered do these working beddies bay as these dogs were originally bred to kill foxes were they not?
  4. You pay for it mate.....I have cakes to buy
  5. Jesus christ lads have you no shame.....bump
  6. If this site is anything to go by the bedlington seems to be worse off than the border
  7. Its always the bloody same, a dog like this comes up once in a while & either the timing or the location is a stumbling block. Hope she gets a good home anyway
  8. Well I'd bet my house that lads like you are in the minority mate
  9. If you want a better chance of a digging dog get a patt from decent lines. If you want to make a few grand & couldn't give a f**k who your pups go to go for the Jagds or even consider teckels as they pull good money & there seems to be endless mugs that will buy them. Be quick though as once the rest of the peddlars cotton on, their value will drop like george michaels trousers in a public toilet
  10. Can anyone tell me if my pup will be rough or smooth coated......
  11. And for the folk who didn't get it the 5th time round......here we go again
  12. that's confidance right there that is, 300 pages of pure quality lol.does anyone know what a "viperious viper" is?, its not often i get stumped by words, but that ones had me.....lol 300 pages of pure quality surely the readers decide that not the auther .... How far can one man get up his own arse?
  13. But there isn't! Harcombes book fair enough but bluck just tells his journey through terrierwork then gets well known terriermen to fill in questionnaires. No comparison mate but nice one that you're mate is getting into it, obviously you had more to do with that than someone who wants to earn their retirement letting other lads fill their books
  14. I think you're way off the mark mate, I started off ratting & then looked for more info on terriers. When I got into them it was the CMW & Plummer books. Nobody to show me the ropes when it come to earthwork but I soon learned from my mistakes & it didn't take too long to decide DBP was full of shit. I'd find it hard to believe someone with no inclination towards terrierwork would 'stumble' upon these books
  15. Dirty c**ts, if that was the case I'd have took as many photos as possible & exposed the RSPCA for what they are
  16. Like I said you have my apologies, but I formed my opinion of the man over time
  17. No mate, are you one of his arselickers? I apologise if you're not, if someone done a 'how not to do terrierwork' I'd probably be the first on the list.....liljonny or liljonnybluck maybe?
  18. Read up on hypermiling. I've tried it for the last 2 wks & got 52mpg in my TD Vitara. Usually 35 round the doors & 40 on a run
  19. Well I know who I'd believe, read enough of blucks bullshit when he was on here. I wouldn't waste the money on his self righteous drivel anyway & anyone who does want to read his books would do well to buy 2nd hand off ebay so they dont contribute to his barn conversion, yacht, swimming pool, villa or whatever he's writing his next book for. No doubt he'll return as he has enough arselickers/crawlers. By the way, is he peddling the borders yet?
  20. Recording history.....not for reward though eh?
  21. No but I agree with what you say about Victoria Wood.....she's about as funny as toothache
  22. Shame that nuggett but at least you didn't pass them on or sell them to the chocolate peddlars or 'will make good bushing terrier £150'. A man who hasn't experienced failure is a liar, think with earthdogs the man who has the space to kennel a few dogs has the advantage. Good luck with the next pups, hope they turn out for you
  23. Sounds like an excellent day mate, good writeup
  24. Think we're gonna use the steel drums as we have a ready supply in the factory & theres no chance of rats getting at the feed, thanks for the input
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