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Everything posted by CorkyJohn

  1. Well there is no shortage of foxes over here. Im not sure what the process is for someone coming from overseas to be able to hunt here though.Surely he just needs an invite.....
  2. At least ur honest, papers mean f**k all these days & a peddlar will snap this pup up.....guaranteed
  3. Well said marshman, aslong as they work
  4. The bloke is a f***ing lowlife, only a slight improvement on a dog thief. Everyones seen through him now & its pathetic that the shower of shit would even try & defend himself. Peddlar, conman & liar.....
  5. Fred we'll be going round in circles on that argument again, personal choice though so each to their own. The man is allegedly so successful from his writing he financed a barn conversion. If he needs to sell pups to lend a family member £500 (2 pups) he must be lying....
  6. Heart of gold that man bluck, peddling pups to help out a family member. Nice excuse but is there any justification for it, surely if your writing career has taken off & as you say your own books are probably some of the best ever written, what is £500 to your bank account? You must be on the bones of your arse if you needed to sell pups to help them out???
  7. As much bad publicity for the b*****ds as possible Lucky, I'd be looking to sue them for the loss of the dog, stress the lot. Fingers crossed your mate gets justice
  8. Again JB rears his ugly head. Redcas are you the man himself or one of his canvassers? If you are the latter will you please remove your tongue from his anus. I hear these small minded member comments everytime it concerns JB. If he cant stand THL why does his minions (or himself) continue to promote his shows, books & appearances. Commission or sexual favours Redcas, then again.....how many men can suck their own cocks?
  9. As said plenty different opinions, easier when you fall in with like minded lads. I travelled 10hrs a few weeks back to collect a couple of pups. Never met the breeder before but someone vouched for me & they were gifted. A mate I used to dig with was & still is the complete opposite. The breeding is more important than the dogs, he thinks breeding best to best is bullshit....better if its Middleton wether it works or not cos theres a chance it'll still work & the pups sell without fail!!!! These pups will be given plenty time to enter, if in the end they dont make it the lad kno
  10. Anyone know why the site has been shut down? I know there was a problem with spammers but its been down for a long time now
  11. I dont agree with the point that someone will put more time/effort into a pup they pay for. Fact is an arsehole is an arsehole whether he pays for it or not. Jawn if you have to import dogs from another country your hands are tied mate moneywise. I appreciate what you're saying though, its up to each of us to make our own choices. Personally I'd never look to sell a dog
  12. All that says to me Jawn is you are a poor judge of character.....& you've dealt with a fair few numpties. Money ruins dogs but in your case, & numerous others, so does gifting them to idiots
  13. its a PlummerJeemes even if its marked up from rats & coypu the customs will be suspicious & have reason to seize the dog....I know what you're getting at though lol
  14. As Alli said I wouldn't risk trying to fetch a knocked up dog back. Surely better to leave the dog at home & spend as much time with the terrier team instead. Digging is legal across the whole of france but I think the weather is an issue the further south you go. All hunters have to complete a written test & I'm told it is possible to register to hunt on your own but easier to join a club. Have a great time mate & let us know how you get on. Hopefully get over there myself sometime
  15. Why is it that it always seems to be the muppets who advertise like this? Silly prices & lies to sell a f***ing dog. Give the thing away to someone who'll work iit or pts. You may be genuine but you're obviously willing to sell to any mug who will pay the money. Good luck with the baby but find another hobby mate
  16. Baw you really know how to wind the feckers up....that said, if there wasn't any truth in what you say I'd assume you wouldn't get a bite. Threats of violence surely means what you speak is the gospel lmao
  17. Yeah very happy with them so far, will find out the season after next if it was worth it. The lad who gifted me these pups has had this line for over 20yrs & they are old nuttall. Worker to worker bred & no money involved IMO the way it should be. It was another lad who sorted these pups for me & I'm grateful to him also. I agreed to run a pup on for him & its easier having a couple anyhow. Eric on the right will be heading back south in the winter & there'll be an older dog coming back to keep me going this season.
  18. If ur wanting to use him for foxes keep him well away from rabbits....pain in the arse
  19. [nhttp://s246.photobucket.com/user/diggerproud/media/photo_zps892e9d30.jpg.html][/url] 10 hour round trip & a days hunting thrown in to collect these. Not only did the lad gift them but he arranged some sport & pushed some cover through with the hounds. Excellent day & well worth the trip, looking forward to when they're old enough to enter.
  20. I'll bet you'll have some fun with those mate, credit to you
  21. Why breed a litter when you have little knowledge of working dogs? Thats possibly 9 pups on the merry go round....well done mate
  22. Its understandable why you dont want strangers at your home/kennels. This is why I find it difficult to understand why people sell surplus pups to anyone, you never know where they'll end up selling to strangers after a couple of phone calls
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