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Everything posted by CorkyJohn

  1. We shoot vermin on a farm which is a mix of grazing & arable. Its approx 300 acres and has a gulley that runs most of the length of the farm that regularly holds pheasants. We are considering asking the farmer if we can put some feeders down so we can have a few days rough shooting, I dont know of any neighbouring shoots but theres always pheasants there, occasionally partridge & we've seen geese here on a few occasions. The rest of the hedgerows offer good cover with wide strips either side. I don't want to offend the farmer as he's a decent bloke, I know he's struggling a bit so wond
  2. Wish we found it as easy, crows are a lot more wary where we shoot. Yesterday they were coming in to birds we'd shot but were desperate to get on the standing corn the farmer has left. One of those days where you could have your best ever bags if you had the full day there. Only had 2hrs but had 8 or 9 pigeons and approx a dozen crows/rooks......not forgetting a woodcock & a pheasant
  3. They might be nuttalls when they're pups mate but they'll be Stevens breeding when I start peddling pups out of them, just a shame they aint chocolate
  4. Heard good & bad about these terriers, tbh I think most of the bad is due to lads from Durham peddling the f**k out of this breeding whether they work or not. Theres no doubt they're smart looking dogs, I was told of one red dog who had only seen hole ends to get marked up being put to any bitch that went to him, the dog didn't like the dark
  5. you are one of them mate always on hear talking shit arm chair hunter Well if it bothers you f**k off & don't log back on you dildo....
  6. Perfect place to peddle pups where you live then, plenty KC springers available from £250+ where I'm from
  7. Then theres the sad c**ts who waste folks time with bullshit threads like this.....if it bothers you that much dont log on
  8. You wont gift them to people you don't know but you'll sell them to strangers? Just a shame you hadn't secured homes before you bred mate, hopefully they wont end up doing the rounds.....
  9. He means whether its kept inside or out won't determine if its makes a digging dog or not
  10. Theres a big difference between patts & borders though, very few keep working borders but patts on the other hand. Doesn't make a difference what breed they are below if they haven't the heart. I agree with the lad who suggested keeping a couple to run on
  11. Maybe nathan can take someone elses opinion without feeling the need to batter someone....bit f***ing stupid being on a forum if you can't take criticism
  12. I have the above in excellent condition & is a great bit of kit. It comes in a waterproof bag complete with 2 battery clips, rechargeable batteries, charger, leads & also a 2x lens that can be fitted & would be better for nighttime driving off road. I'm looking to swap for a bellman/Barryvox locator setup no Deben or Ortovox D1 type locators. Or sell £250
  13. I'd be wary about buying anything advertised in your local rags. £700 for a working pup? Which peddlar is selling pups for that?
  14. I'd defo be keeping a bigger pup but good luck with her obi
  15. I've never let anyone socialise with my dogs in the yard. Away from the house yes but not in their kennels. The lurcher only barks when someone is close to the back fence & my neighbours know this. The terriers are now the same. Engineers grease along the top of the fence which is a b*****d to get off. I'm gonna buy a cctv setup the same as we used on the garage as its good quality & about £100 on ebay......is it possible to dye terriers? Just thinking of turning these black'uns into plummers & they might have less chance of being taken....
  16. Fair play to you spending that money mate but she's a working animal. Still wouldn't have been easy but it would've made sense pts 3yrs ago. Again it would be nice if she could find a pet home to retire but u dont do the decent thing rather than rehome her with a stranger
  17. The dog has given you 6yrs service....take responsibility mate, make space or pts. Good luck
  18. CorkyJohn


    I'm picking up a border cross Patterdale. Neither of parents were digging dogs. Border was ratting dog, Patterdale I believe was a failed earth dog as was bred for digging but only used for bushing. Im getting her as a pup, want to use for ratting and bushing. ...Waffling on a bit lol, how did you warn them off earths? Why would anyone purposely breed from a failed earth dog? Why not just breed from bushing dogs if that is what the pups were intended for? Foxpacks crossbreds have spaniel & beagle in them, yours is a terrier.....be very careful where you work your dog
  19. Think you may be generalising a little bit Mr Davies.....
  20. Mate had a Duggan bred bitch the double of that
  21. . .? ??? oh this is getting better and better corky he said lol that i had blown it up and i said. He should have put what if in his title as we all thought it was trapped oh read it i cant be arsed lol I initially thought he'd lost it to ground then returned home to the PC to look for an answer....thank f**k he didnt
  22. I can put you in touch with a nice young lass if you prefer....
  23. Get somebody who knows what they're doing to help, even better if you're a member of a terrier club. Why are you asking?
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