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Everything posted by CorkyJohn

  1. Thanks for the advice, its obviously gonna be better if it benefits the farmer in some way.
  2. Mole it happened to me with my first digging dog, I thought I knew the land and let the bitch off on way back to motor. She dropped into a small place under a tree with no collar on. After ears to the ground I quickly dug 3ft to an unhurt newborn litter, located the dog again this time breaking through to the adult. Quickly back filled whilst being watched from 200yds by English Heritage visitors....mistake I vowed not to make again
  3. Can't understand why anyone with any experience would allow a terrier to be running free on land they dont yet know or have recently acquired....asking for trouble Can I ask how long you have been digging foxes?[/quoteLong enough to know its a bad idea letting a digging dog hunt up on unfamiliar ground....
  4. I have the above in excellent condition & is a great bit of kit. It comes in a waterproof bag complete with 2 battery clips, rechargeable batteries, charger, leads & also a 2x lens that can be fitted & would be better for night driving off road. I'm looking to swap for a decent locator setup or decent mig welder. Will sell £250 ono
  5. If you can only phone a complaint in tell them that you've been advised by your solicitor to record your phone calls & that by law you have to inform them of your intent prior to you doing it. It winds the fuckers right up
  6. The lad was walking his pup on football fields ffs....he didn't have a pair of hounds, a hawk, terriers or a rifle with him. If it happens again & you're just walking the dog ask the officer for his name/number & the reason he stopped you. Write the time/date/circumstances down & put a complaint in writing for harassment. Bet any other c**t walking pet breeds hasn't been stopped so its discrimination Just to add, better finding out email address of local nick as its easier to keep track of times/dates of complaints & what was said
  7. Can't make sense of what you're getting at mate but the badger act has been in a long time. Fact is if you have a dog you know won't be called away then sense would say that you'd be aware of whats on the land, depth, earth types etc. I had a Border many years ago I used for checking the depth of places, he would only mark fox & even then only stay 20mins. The dog was a cull but he had his uses & could be used to bolt foxes in places I couldn't or wasn't allowed to dig. The dog was never bred from, never would be but was stolen from kennels. I can see the use for a dog called away but
  8. Can't understand why anyone with any experience would allow a terrier to be running free on land they dont yet know or have recently acquired....asking for trouble
  9. Our farm consists of mainly hedgerows & we were wondering if it was worth planting game strips to widen them & provide more cover/food. Any advice appreciated as its something we've no knowledge/experience of. Thanks
  10. The bloke will try & make money out of anything....he'll be doing car boot sales next
  11. Nice one jigsaw, hope he's not too much bother before its time for him to graft lol
  12. I was thinking of building breezeblock runs & fabricating my own doors rather than buy the sections. Looks good Mik, I'd also like to see the finished job
  13. Not for crows but planning on trying it on sun. TBH I think a few real decoys cant be beaten
  14. Had a good result the other day. 61 crows, 6 pigeons & another 10+ crows we couldnt retrieve
  15. You've quoted the very worst possibilities....do you take everything quoted on the internet as gospel? If it didn't produce the goods folk wouldn't bother. Do aussie dogs have morals? I thought all dogs would ride anything if it was in season!
  16. Its like anything, if a dog is out regular killing rats in numbers every week it should be far better at it than dogs who do a bit every so often or at the end of the shooting season.
  17. Theres a litter of 'bedsprings' (bedlington x springer) advertised in the north of england...... Think they were £250 each, unbelievable but some fool will buy them
  18. Yeah they seem to be very popular over in the UK and Ireland. I dont even know if there is anyone over here that has a line of them. The first time I ever heard the name Plummer Terrier was on here a couple of months back when I joined. They sure get the job done on rats though from what I have seen. The Wiki page on them was a little worrying though. Alarm bells were ringing straight away when it mentioned it they from long periods of inbreeding. And???Some of the best working lines are the ones that have been bred tight for years
  19. Defo like the look of your little pack mate but the percentages on paper doesn't always tally up with what you get. They're crossbreds so could throw towards any of the different breeding in them. Good luck with them, be good to hear updates on their progress
  20. Never had any luck using a decoy owl, feckers didn't even look at it
  21. Think the lad must have the holy grail in his kennel....
  22. As said I think its more the peddlars who have paid ridiculous money for workers/jackers & breed from them regardless. Ians dogs are renowned for looks, quite simply some of the pricks that keep this line know the pups will sell regardless whether or not the parents work. I've been told he kept some tidy grafters & his dogs had to work, just a shame he didn't keep them to himself.
  23. Never heard of a chocolate lakey, thought church's dogs were ALL red or B/T? Maybe the choc lakeys you claim that are that breeding are not pure lakeys McCabe?
  24. Sounds reasonable mate, we wouldn't expect many days. Theres a couple of patches near the stream looks ideal for a pond if he'd agree to us digging it out. Just things to think about for the future & we're hoping we might get permission on the neighbouring farm if we hammer the crows. Thanks for the advice
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