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Everything posted by anthc123

  1. Got a phone call off my dad today, ( he doesn't have a gun but will lens one of mine, but had supers tens, s410s etc) he works away putting pylons up and aparently he has done a farmer a few favours with the digger etc where they are working and my dad mentioned the guns and he told my dad we can go up and get rid of some rabbits for him. Can't wait to go up my dad said it's whicked with them it's an hours drive, but it's my first bit of permission. I'm over the moon I will let everyone no what it's like once I have been up
  2. That is sick! Am taking it that got binned! Do you's lads eat bunnies with fleas? Does it affect the rabbit on any way?
  3. The chamber also felt warm when I was filling it. Dunno if this was because of me filling it or what
  4. I had my first trip out knocking on doors on Saturday. Didn't have any luck but handed some cards out. One door I went too the key was in the outside of the door so I popped it through with a note on the back of my card so has hoping to get a call off him but caught up with him round the front and wasn't too keen
  5. Everytime I fill it up it squeeks untill it gets near full any ideas? Thanks
  6. Both are .22 mate. Does anyone who have tried both the r10 and s400 no which is quieter? The s400 is pretty quiet, quietest gun i'v used by far. Cheers
  7. thats what i was thinking mate, as i only use the bsa for shooting out the car, and the s400 for sort of more accuracy longer shots, if i got the r10 it will be best of both worlds really because its nice and small for shooting out the car still
  8. thanks for the comments there seem to be a lot of mixed thoughts about the r10, what problems have the mk 2 been having?
  9. What you'd think? I have a BSA ultra .22 and a s400c .22 which i'v only had a few month I was thinking about selling both, adding a little bit and getting a brand new r10, would only really consider it once I get some decent permission really. What are your thoughts? Cheers
  10. Thanks matt and sam that's made it easy for me to understand so the sunshade wouldn't help me when lamping? I just think the scopes look good aswell with them being a bit longer and have that twisty bit at the end haha I have loads of pics here of decent guns with those scopes on or is there another more expensive version which looks similar?
  11. Thanks matt and sam that's made it easy for me to understand so the sunshade wouldn't help me when lamping? I just think the scopes look good aswell with them being a bit longer and have that twisty bit at the end haha I have loads of pics here of decent guns with those scopes on or is there another more expensive version which looks similar?
  12. Bloody hell! Nice shooting mate. What kind of distance do you shoot with that gun mate and do you need a firearms licence?
  13. So that should be under the Basc members insurance? Can I get a quote online or do I have to call? Any idea of A rough price? I'm using my iPhone at the min so it's taking forever to load
  14. Is it just gun insurance or some sort of public insurance you think I will need?
  15. Are these scopes classed at cheap and nasty? Must be better than the bog standard 3-9x40 hawke one I have on at the min? Im new to most of this So what's turrets? Lol
  16. A friend of mine has a lock up in a old rundownish place full of rabbits rats and pigeons and old factory units and they allow people to shoot there alsong as you have insurance, where can I get this? And how much is it? So I can get shooting at this place Cheers
  17. Come on lads someone must have had experience with one of the two?
  18. I'm in need of a bit of quick help, he had his draiIn taken out on Friday and in the last day or so it has scabbed over and fluid has started to build up under the skin it's got a bit bigger today, I already have an appointment at the vets for 2 on Friday just wondering weather I should get another apointment for today or if he willbe okay till tomorro? Cheers
  19. What are the main differences between the 2 apart from price? Are they both decent scopes? Any help is appriciated befor I go ahead and buy http://www.jsramsbottom.com/products/riflescopes-jsr-optics/jsr41644-jsr-target-pro-4-16x44-px-adj-mil-dot-riflescope.html http://www.jsramsbottom.com/products/riflescopes-nikko-stirling/nsgk41644-nikko-stirling-gameking-4-16x44-px-ao-adjustable-mil-dot.html or should I go for the 50mm? It's for my s400, I some times use a logun gun lamp if that helps. I was also wondering.... I have seen the same scopes on pics with sort of a extended end
  20. What scope is it you got on there mate?
  21. class mate throughully enjoyed reading and watching it, the gf wasnt happy about me watching the videos lol sorry for my ignorance but what are the longer lines on your scope under the zero for? also what do you use as a range finder? cheers
  22. Effective? And you must have plenty of shooting to do to want to invest In nv wish I had some permission, must get myself out n ask about!
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