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sneeky sneeky!

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Everything posted by sneeky sneeky!

  1. youll be strugglin for a good airifle at £120 unless your not bothered about it being spring powered! save up around £500 for a decent setup its well worth it.
  2. thankyou, a few more good pics did it finally catch it! lol nice look dog thurso and cracking pics.
  3. What size are they? The smaller one reminds me very much of my beardie cross - very nice. the brindle dog is 33tts and black bitch is 27tts both two years old at moment 33 tts!!!! what you use that for elephant!? lol
  4. do you work it? any pictures? i can see the pictures now lol oh i thought you could see those ones but wanted to see him hunting! lol
  5. do you work it? any pictures? i do work him but usually only for flushing! ill try and get some pictures up tomorrow as im not at home now.
  6. my mates got a beddie x whippet pup for sale 10wks old £150! lancashire area.(dog)
  7. aaaaaaaahahahahahahah! laughed my cock off! good shit!
  8. no scotty not heard of them at all is it an extinct breed? or are they alive and kicking
  9. your answer is there, if you read the comments unless he's pushing that dog down burrows , I'd say he's using a ferret, plus the big clue, this is the ferreting section, had the dog caught them all, you'd be reading this in the running dog section ok smart arse! just joined a day ago and looked at the most recent posts.
  10. i think your mates full of shiiiiiite! the only thing you shouldnt do with a pup as far as excercise is concerned is dont let them run owt! im not goin to put an age because everone is different i usually wait till about 10mths.(a few droppers)
  11. ive heard theyve been russelling in the bushes!lol
  12. yeah ive found a few like that! strange but true......
  13. depends what your hunting for? but generally a collie x greyhound is a good all round dog and easy to train!
  14. i know what id do if someone shot my dogs and it wouldnt be legal! absolute b*****ds hope they rot in hell!
  15. ill leave the diggin 4 you earth chaps! you must be fit as flea diggin not for me but good job.
  16. i have a similar setup and mine lasts for about 3.5hrs! dont know about your charger though mine has a green and a red light,green when charging red when done.
  17. fook me! im moving north east! lol very nice bag mate did the dog catch em all or did you ferret aswell?
  18. i have an airedale and trust me its a real hunting dog! and as for the comment about airedales being show dogs well i can asure you theres more whippets in the ring than airedales! fact.
  19. where abouts in lancs are you? im from burnley.
  20. why are southern girls and mopeds alike? theyre both fun to ride untill your mates find out! lol
  21. hi mate its me from preloved! still no luck selling them pups? shame goodluck anyway.
  22. wholey moley £280!!! where abouts are you in the north west?
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