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Everything posted by Groach

  1. Cheers for the encouragement FEOs down are way like you to have it and i have shot deer before but am still learning and thought DSC1 would be a good way to do this. G
  2. Come on then? got any pics? I shoot a normal cz american in .17hmr and its great. G
  3. Might be worth messaging him on stalking directory, he doesn't seem very active on here any more G
  4. Well i am now, officially, a trained hunter I have been on my DSC1 course over the passed 4 days and i have now passed. It was held at ilkley through the BDS and it was lead by Vince Reynolds of viper engineering. I found the whole course to be highly enjoyable and also educational and a great way to spend 4 days. I managed to ace all of the exams getting 20/20 on the visual test, 48/50 on the 'Written' paper and 39/40 on the game assessment test and i passed the safety test fine. I did have a bit more trouble with he shooting test for the knelt of sticks but this was stopped when i borro
  5. Well we finished our harvest today so i decided i quick shine around was in order and as i wasn't expecting too much i didn't even take the rifle Anyway so i drove over the stubble shinning away and must have seen about a half dozen definite fox including 2 cubs that were on top of a bale and run down and just sat in the head lights (why did i leave the gun at home) and 2 more possibles along with 4 roe. So i went home and decided that i would have to go back out with it to see if i could christine it on fox. So i went back out and went back to where i had seen the cubs and gave a squeak for
  6. Well this was Friday and the one day my dad had set aside to go stalking so I went along to see him shoot his first stag with the intention of me being out on Saturday. However Saturday had been set aside as a family day so it was up to Niall to take my dad out so it was Stevie’s time to shine and to take me out with grant as the ghillie. Anyway as it was to be my dads only stag they headed off to where the stags tend to be a little larger and i was off to Corrie vatoc once more but this time it was to be the other side of the corrie. Well, first off we had to go to the shop to fill up t
  7. I came home on sunday but we are pencilled in for the last week in august next year already we stayed just on the very about 20 mins from the ferry from the mainland but had to drive an hour a day to get to the stalking and it was only about 25 miles, where we are looking at for next year is just near the most westerly tip and about 30 seconds from where we will meet them so its far more convenient.
  8. He was and he did and i did but all after the photos were taken George
  9. Well done , thats a cracking buck there and a good bag on the blackies and pigeons. George
  10. I got open rimmies on application the open 6.5x55 and .223 when i asked for them 10 months later so i don't see why not. George
  11. Well after my success on tuesday it was with great apprehension that i set out on wednesday to see if we could find another stag to cull and I wanted this one to drop to the first shot. Anyway once more we had a slightly late start as i had to visit the local doctors for a blood test but I met up with Niall and Steevy at the larder and that i was to be going out with them today. So we set out towards the higher parts of the estate where the hills are steeper and the stags often smaller in both weight and antler. So we set off in the landy with the mud ox on the back and headed up around t
  12. Indeed he is and the area is something else. George
  13. That would be him, nial but pronounced neil George
  14. The following events took place between 8:30 am on Monday the 9th August and 8 o'clock on Tuesday 10th of August. Well as some of you may well be aware I recently wanted to give red stags a go in Scotland and soon had a recommendation of Peter Swales as a sporting agent and he recommended the Glenborrodale estate on the Ardnamurchan peninsula. So we booked on with him and were to be going stalking and staying within the estate. However due to a bit of a cock up on the personal side the would not be a possibility of having the accommodation catered as planned and as it was to be a family ho
  15. Best of luck TT. I hope it you get something. Im up in scotland at the moment hoping to get on some stags. George
  16. I got my FAC back from a variation a week or two ago and was quite literally grinning from ear to ear for the rest of the day. George
  17. :laugh: :laugh: you forget sarcasm doesn't cross over the internet George
  18. Well, as i am particularly crap at D.I.Y but still wanted to make a shooting bench for zeroing from i had a brain wave. If i made a top that could be held into a work mate it would same me having to construct a completer table. So i was off to B&Q to pick up a piece of ply measuring 2 foot by 4 foot. I then spent and afternoon sketching out a couple of designs for the top and settled on one i had it cut out with a jigsaw and then started to sand it down and varnish the top. the beauty of the design is that it folds away nice and small and was completed nicely with a £5 stool from argos. He
  19. the idea of reloading is a scary one now although i think i am going to have to start sooner rather than later with the cost of the ammo Yep as you say cold (and clean) zero is what im after as thats how it'll be when i shoot it. Unfortunately the trip has been nocked back so im not heading up until monday now due to a overlapping booking of the accommodation on the estate. I'm just glad it is free so it could be nocked back. George
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