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Everything posted by Fisheruk

  1. Yep pleanty of choice I would go for gulls or crows
  2. Hey you only need one shot, don't be tight
  3. Can't see you stand a chance to get fox on your ticket with either a .22lr or 17hmr in Lancs. In any event a 17hmr at night time even with the moddy would scare the s**t out of caravaners. Have you got permission on adjacent land. a .223 is a much better weapon for the job. but you wont get an open ticket and they may ask for a mentor.
  4. Fisheruk


    I come across them from time to time. Best way to get them is to bait a raft with fishy cat food very early in the morning for a few days then settle down on the other side of the lake with the 17hmr and shoot it of the raft at 70 yrds. Very effective.
  5. Big step up from air to .223. You will probably we advised to go for rimmy first and then apply for .223 after you have gained experience with 17hmr. Not many forces approve 17hmr for fox although it will do them if you don't stretch the range.
  6. Here's the link mate, end of June http://www.countryfairs.info/bodindex.html
  7. I have an FAC air plus a standard springer, but I will always use 22lr or 17hmr where circumstances permit, because they have more umph and dispatch more reliably. When you are out to do a job of vermin control you need to do it efficiently. What is the point of having a weapon out of your cabinet that is good to 60 yds when up pops a critter at 110yrds. Need to get the job done and not continually regret lost opportunities.
  8. As the Griff says you can buy sticky back velcro quite easily. Hobbycraft and Dunelm both sellit.
  9. Out this AM after squirrel, no greys only red. The grey squirrel cull is working. Up the reds!!

  10. I thought there use to be a real time chat room here, where you could just drop i and add chat comments to a chain. what happened? Where did it go and why?
  11. The man must be a fool. I have dispatched numerous live catches. Always a pellet in the back of the head. Instant kill. No problem. It would also only be an idiot who would try and put a hand into a cage with any live vermin.
  12. Davie Is it still available? Regards David
  13. Yes 50 -60 yards is plenty for subs. They stay flat to -90 anyway. Only suitable for foxes at really close range. Probably not on your ticket, be careful
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