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Everything posted by SINDASOX

  1. Spot on there i can't stand the man. Mark Francois picked up on that and said he would like to see Steve Baker. SINDASOX
  2. These is it, https://www.pets4homes.co.uk/classifieds/2277878-rare-unique-coloured-half-x-liverpool.html SINDASOX
  3. Had a Mountfield for years and never let me down, last year i purchased a Honda Izzy 21 inch cut self propelled. Also use a Honda Izzy at work. SINDASOX
  4. Was going to say Unbelievable the way you have been treated, but as we all know the laws in this country are well and truly f****d. The way they protect the one's who have committed the crime is just so f****n wrong. Lad around here had all his tools taken from his van, he found out who the scumbags were and went to sort them out, he was then banned from the village. Another lad caught a boy thieving his stuff, he went and got the boy and put him in his boot and drove him to the police station, the police arrested the boy for putting him in the boot. SINDASOX
  5. That's a feckin tablet, not a phone lol. Why anyone want's a phone that size i don't know, you need two hand's to answer it. SINDASOX
  6. He's lucky one of them didn't go right up his ringpiece. SINDASOX
  7. Tested my speed earlier on, its approx 9.5Mbps with Sky. I'm on the basic broadband package not the high speed fibre. However when i looked into my package earlier it says speeds up to 24Mbps, so i may give them a call to see why iv'e only got 9.5Mbps SINDASOX
  8. Been having young inside since December, breeding all year round. SINDASOX
  9. Seen the Ben Fogle episode in Canada, enjoyed it as well. Did you see the daughter pissing herself laughing when Fogle had a go at calling a Moose in when they were up in the hide. Watched the first one as well that Tomo was on about, didn't enjoy that one as much. SINDASOX
  10. Had one of these delivered this week, problem i'm having is with ticks. SINDASOX
  11. Don't you just love Mr Farage, Old footage i know, but i love to hear him speak. He got pulled up by the speaker for calling them the mafia, he then said ok, i'll change it to gangsters.... SINDASOX
  12. Gooner, I just put that bit of strip on because i had a small split in the wooden base of the trap, just glued and screwed it on to stop the split. SINDASOX
  13. There are a few versions of the Dunlop Purofort Welly i believe. The one's i highly recommend are the one's in my link on page 1 of this thread. SINDASOX
  14. ..........Best i have found as well, i do recommend them. SINDASOX
  15. Just clicked on that, wished i hadn't now. Really disturbing to see that, what the f**k is society coming to. SINDASOX
  16. Similar thing happened to me and the Mrs a few weeks back in Brecon, guy was asking for money in the carpark leading into Morrisons, Mrs said to him do you want me to get you something to eat from Morrissons, he refused, he just wanted the cash and said he'd had something to eat. As my Mrs said he could have kept what she would have bought him for later in the day, but he didn't want it. SINDASOX
  17. Excellent video, might have a go at that myself. Thank You SINDASOX
  18. Anyone in contact via social media or phone can you tell him about this message. Thanks SINDASOX
  19. Empty your inbox please. Thanks SINDASOX
  20. Had a Peugeot Partner 1.9 D, couldn't fault it, had it for 11 years. Got a Berlingo now 1.6 HDi, 56 plate cant fault this van either. SINDASOX
  21. How can i get to watch this.....?????? Thanks SINDASOX
  22. Is that on a Council site where they put all the food waste....???? SINDASOX
  23. They are buffalo horn / bone spacers mate. SINDASOX

    BBC 1

    Enjoyed that, just watched it on BBC iplayer. SINDASOX
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