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Everything posted by SINDASOX

  1. What improvements are there Jordan, as my mate is thinking of buying one. SINDASOX
  2. Ok Ian, Thanks for that. SINDASOX
  3. I checked out a few other sites first to see if they were slow as well, but they were ok......?????? SINDASOX
  4. Is anybody else having the same problem as me tonight with H/L being real slooooowwwww......each topic i click on is taking ages to load. CHEERS SINDASOX
  5. What day is the net making competition on Sat / Sun....?????? SINDASOX
  6. Just seen it now, brilliant, no wonder i couldn't find it though i was looking on the forum home page. SINDASOX
  7. I cant find the video's on the homepage.... .... .... ....where are they by. SINDASOX


    Plusnet seem to be quite popular and a excellent price for a 2mb connection.....but if you read the terms and conditions they will cut your speed down if you are downloading stuff regularly, and give priority to people just surfing the net. SINDASOX
  9. What was the breeding of the dam Whippet crossed with what....????? Cheers SINDASOX


    Few pic's below SINDASOX
  11. Thank's for the replies....in the end she had to go 3rd party fire + theft with Endsleigh, and that was feckin £695,.... :realmad: .... :realmad: ....the prices these insurance companies are charging is fecking scandalous, she has even had quotes for £2,500 + £3,000. It's not very often that i can go up on the top end of the valley on the mountain and there are no cars up there that have been stolen and then burnt out, these are the wankers that are keeping everyones insurance high, and the boy feckin racer's who drive like f****n idiots and then write they car off..... :realmad: .... :
  12. Cheers, Tried Diamond £2,000 + SINDASOX :realmad:
  13. Tried them, £740....but here's the catch....a feckin £1,020 pound excess. Also tried Tesco £1,200 SINDASOX :realmad: :realmad:
  14. Anybody know where i can get a DECENT quote for car insurance, as my daughter has just bought her first car. Cheapest quote i've had so far has been off Frizell £900 +.... :realmad: .... :realmad: .... :realmad:.... and that is me as the main driver and my daughter as a named driver. Can anyone reccomend some good companies that will give a decent quote to young driver's. Or dont they feckin exist. CHEERS SINDASOX
  15. Mixed it as per instructions whole bottle to 2 gallons of water, the dog's stank for week's with that mixture. SINDASOX
  16. Cant really pick a favourite but 2 off the top of my head that i reeaaaally enjoyed were, BRASSED OFF......and KES SINDASOX ....
  17. I want to know that as well SINDASOX
  18. Was thinking the same myself Molly.... .... SINDASOX
  19. Right, a few week's back i soaked all the dogs 3 times with Duramitex, and then let it dry in because the dogs had a few ticks, i also washed out all their sleeping quarters in the shed with it as well because i found ticks in there as well. A few week's on and they have got feckin tick's on them again.... .... ....just swept out the area where i soaked with duramitex and there were a few dead tics and a few feckin live one's as well. So how long is this duramitex supposed to last....????....i have had the same before mind with frontline on the ferret's. SINDASOX
  20. A few years back i was constantly having trouble with IE, so rather than wipe my hard drive and start again i switched to Mozilla and was using it for about 2 years. I've now had my system wiped and XP put on and also upgraded to a 2mb broadband connection, whooooohoooooooo,...... ...... so i'm back with IE at the moment. SINDASOX
  21. I've got to get Broadband, these pics are taking foreeeeeeever to view. SINDASOX
  22. Been reccomended these by alot of people off another site, £14.99 for a 2mb unlimited connection. http://www.plus.net/index.html?pn_session=...dc43a44d54d2210 SINDASOX
  23. I have been asked by my mate to put this up as he is looking to breed from his whippet bitch when she comes into season. He is on the lookout for a very game strong pure whippet, from a good working strain to put over his bitch. CHEERS SINDASOX
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