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Everything posted by SINDASOX

  1. Is this the dog that is fighting with the other pup you have got up for sale... ...how come this ones up for sale as well. SINDASOX
  2. Lets have a look at them then. SINDASOX
  3. John, i did ask if there are any advantages of using the straight pin (molecatchers design) over Magwitches. SINDASOX
  4. What are the advantages john. SINDASOX
  5. Leeview, stick a pic up of how the poles are held in place, i've had a look on the website but cant see the basket in any detail on there. I purchased a basket from molecatcher on here who has them knocked up by his mate, is there any reason why this system's way of holding the poles in has any advantages over the way Magwitches has been made,cant think of any, just wondering. SINDASOX
  6. John, IE 6 has been my browser for years, everything running great, if it's not broke why try and fix it. SINDASOX
  7. Ever since Ian B updated the forum a few months ago i have had terrible problems with the HL running like a feckin snail, it has been like being on a dial up connection with pages taking 45 seconds or more to load, i havent had any problems with any other sites i go on so there didn't seem to be a problem my end. Out of curiosity earlier on i downloaded Opera to try as a browser to see if that was the problem with the new Invision set up on here, and it seems that the changes Ian B has made on here doesnt agree with IE6 which i am using, when i logged in on the Opera browser its running su
  8. Mmmmm whats your pc setup and internet speed like sindasox... Internet speed usually runs between 3.7mbps - 3.9Mbps...i'm not running the latest version of IE, mine is version 6, but i dont have any problems on other internet sites, only been slow since the upgrade, before that it was running ok. SINDASOX
  9. Wish mine was running fast as feck, it's been running worse than dial up my end since you upgraded it to the new IP Board. SINDASOX
  10. Thats the problem mate, if the section where they are peeling was LEATHER, not a thin Synthetic Layer to cut their costs they wouldn't have a problem with them in the first place, the earlier version of the Dovre didn't have this problem. As you know from the other thread i had many dealings with Bramwell and also contacted Meindl in Germany over the quality issues with the Dovre, and so have a few others on here as well, but it seems they have ignored it all. I used to like my Meindl's....,but i wouldn't touch a pair now with the problem they have got with the peeling, and the price on t
  11. It's not just me then... ...other members are having the same problems. SINDASOX
  12. It's worse now than being on a Dial up connection for me, i've tried to get some feedback on what the problem could be, but no luck. SINDASOX
  13. Does anyone have any ideas why the new look Forum is running so feckin slow on my system, it runs superfast on other forums and downloads multiple images really fast on photography sites, it just took about 50 seconds for the page to load so i could put this post up,and every post i click on takes forever. Anyone... ... ...

    New Look

    My only concern at the moment is how Sloooowwwww the new HL is running on my system, it's worse than dial up. I dont want to mess about with upgrading my IE or changing to Mozilla/Firefox, because the last time i had to do that i had problems for months. SINDASOX
  15. Thats seems strange Malt, mine was running superfast the other night, now its like a snail, funny how your end its the opposite. SINDASOX
  16. Is anyone else having problems with the new layout of THL Website, pages are taking about 20 secs to load for me, whilst the other night it was running really well, the fastest i've seen it for ages, it's not my ISP as i am on about a 4Mbps connection speed. SINDASOX

    New Look

    Personally speaking i dont like it at all, and its taking about 15 - 20 seconds for each page to load, it has been superfast lately, i take it theres no option to get the old skin back is there...????? SINDASOX
  18. The pages are loading superfast now for me, never seen it so quick. SINDASOX
  19. Same here, last night was the worst though, pages would not load at all and then you had a message that the link appears to be broken. SINDASOX
  20. Just wanted to see how much you had to crop it to get it to a decent size in the frame thats all. SINDASOX
  21. Read his first post, the feckin answer is there for all to see. SINDASOX
  22. Two great shots there Muttle, any chance of seeing your moon shot before you cropped it. Cheers SINDASOX
  23. Anyone involved with the organization of the Hunting Girls Calender got any news on whats happening with the publication of it....????....or any previews. SINDASOX
  24. Charlie likes a feckin pie as well.... .... by the look of him. SINDASOX
  25. Got any pics of them.....??? SINDASOX
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