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Everything posted by charles

  1. What area are you from mate and what is he like with other dogs! Regards Charles.
  2. Is there an email adress to send photos! Regards Charles.
  3. Lost all my family but my mam two brothers a sister and my dad! Feel for you mate. Regards Charles.
  4. I wont allow anything but dogs when out ratting! Dont think you will from now on either!
  5. Well said taffey bit of sense for a change! Regards Charles.
  6. In my opinion warm and dry plenty fresh food and water! Regards Charles.
  7. Cant believe you had to cancel what a bumma!!!
  8. Bradford stalkers ouston near chester-le-street always good stock of boots in! Regards Charles.
  9. Cheers dont need much notice to box dogs up! Thanks for reply. Regards Charles.
  10. From durham have a whippet and a patt both stock broken and obedient pm me if there is room for me! Regards Charles.
  11. Speedy recovery to the gentleman! The worst part is there will be people not directly involved who know these pieces of shit and they are as guilty in my eyes! How can they keep there lips closed!!! Regards Charles.
  12. Excellent hopefully this is the first step down the right path in life! Regards Charles.
  13. Welcome mate nice to hear someone wise enough to keep some work for the end of year! Regards Charles.
  14. Just the general feeling i get reading most posts concerning whippets on here! I dont think i am alone in thinkimg this. Also it was not intended to be offensive mate i have seen more than enough posts degenerate into slanging matches on here to last me a lifetime! Regards Charles.
  15. Anybody on here given thought to having a go at another breed of dog maybe give whippets a rest!!!!!!
  16. Just what enoch powell said bet everyone wishes they had listened to him now!!!!!!
  18. Bought a shovel from screwfix on tylas advice cracking buy thoroughly good tip tyla cheers! Regards Charles.
  19. On to my second pair of deerhunter with the ripstop material! First ones lasted nearly 5 years not heavy use but quite often! Regards Charles.
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