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Everything posted by longey83

  1. Back up for sale will take 500 for gun on its own £550 with scope.Then will split the rest
  2. cheers mate do you have any permission close by i have some in kettlwell we could meet up and go someday !!!!
  3. Cheers mate def not going to drop price. There will be someone out there who wants to start shooting or wnts to get back into it !!!! The gun has only been out 5 times and that's the truth.not even a full tin of pellets through it.
  4. Sorry but this is worth the money all day long not that bothered for quick sale so the price stays as it is. as above its a top set up ratting rabbits pidgens by the way boots are size 9 and £180 to buy new ! Thanks
  5. Hi i have for sale full set up as above LEEDS WEST YORKSHIRE hw 100 177 cal quick fill 6 month old mint condition ((Have box and reciept if required) simmons white tail classic bipod led lenser led torch and gun mount with red filter cammo rubber sling deben tracer with red filter garlands cammo gloves jack pike gillie suit including gloves and balaclava divers bottle valid till end of 2010 real tree gun slip real tree cap shooting boots not in picture £1000 no offers if your serious about buying please call me on 07921079245.
  6. air arms s410 177 £350 no offers any questions please ring my dad as it his where in leeds 07758096630
  7. as above in mint condition with scope neoprene strap and spare buddy bottle £550 no offers
  8. ill give you all some advice buy socom confontation ive had it 4 month now ad i dont play cod 4 or 5 cos its brilliant add me im on ps3 xxLONG3Yxx.
  9. well not everyone is as brupt and blunt as some if anyone fancy coming up to kettlewell wit me and has permission whre i can go with them then post me thanks guys
  10. got loads up in the dales, just wanted someone to go with who live local n i was gonna return the favour but if u speak for everyone then everyone must be spoilt and greedy.
  11. whats up with people especially that dick above
  12. lol thought i would get a reply like that just want somwhere to go local have permission on dales @ kettlewell too far to travel this time of year, went up last sunday got 8 rabbits but hard work and bloody cold too anyone
  13. looking for permission in west yorkshire area,would like to get to no some fellow hunters, i live i leeds any offers. i am a weekend man work all week like to have fun on a weekend.
  14. looking for new scope for shooting rabbits have around £100 any recomendations
  15. get a rapid n things like that dont happen !!!!
  16. Tried 3 gun shops today 2 off them had no pellets in .20 @ all the other only had jsb exacts so i got them on ebay 2 off 500 pellets per tin 22 quid including postage and packing hope they worth it
  17. I have it on ps3 my name on ps3 is xxLONG3Yxx add me as a friend if ya fancy a game leave a message saying from hunting life This Game is wicked.
  18. i finished work today @3.00 first time bin home in light since i got gun spotted some woddies and a crowe in various trees, NOW NO MORE BIRDS IN TREES MY FIRST 3 KILLS WTHH IT AWSOME . WHAT ARE THE BEST PELLETS FOR THIS GUN
  19. Found most people quickly get a calibre change to .22 or .177 they never seem to be satisfied with the odd calibre .. they r an excellent gun buy it u wont be disapointed iv had them 4 10 year the only prob is u dont get a lot ov choice in pellets but h&n field fire spot on through them IVE GOT IT NOW HAVE SDIVERS BOTTLE ASWELL DO U NEED A CERT TO GET IT FILLED COS I ANT GOT 1
  20. i have been offered a rapid mark 7 mark 1 in .20 what are these like i have never shot with a .20 air rifle can anyone advise
  21. got any pics mate cud be interested.. if u serious i could take some tommorro where u from
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