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Everything posted by lurch

  1. Not until they're about a year old
  2. No they're not true. There's RB in there.
  3. If you know any farmer that has sheep lambing now- a ewe with a lamb won't be too long teachin him. Plus you get the advantage of the dog associating it with the smaller lambs too. Farmers will usually have a few in pens around the yard so it's easier to control. But as others have said it would have been easier done a bit sooner
  4. Beautiful dog. Itmust be apleasure to watch him run.
  5. This comment is bollocks I've seen some brilliant hare dogs bred of council estate lads who treat them and hares with the respect they deserve you get diks whatever there social standing. And this guy is a dik What one ??? The OP sorry!
  6. This comment is bollocks I've seen some brilliant hare dogs bred of council estate lads who treat them and hares with the respect they deserve you get diks whatever there social standing. And this guy is a dik
  7. Absolutely spot on Rake Aboot been seeing this kind of cr**p too much. There's no respect in this.
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