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About gizzard

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  1. well done chaps cracking write as well, hoping to do the same this weekend myself as it will be my first outing after roe buck, hope the weather breaks later on as its sheeting it down in taunton at the moment. hope you have a speedy recovery, regards steve.
  2. went back on the 100mtr range today just to check it was not a fluke session last time with the tikka, first shot dead centre, wanted to put the rifle away so i didn't spoil things but i had to carry onand hope everthing would be as good as last week, next two shots in the bull then went and spoiled it with next two 1/2 inch out of centre. the difference from two weeks ago is unreal and i nearly gave up on the tikka and bought something else, wierd thing was that 100grain hornady factory loads started grouping betterthan 90grain homeloads as we went through the session, funny things these ce
  3. sorry chaps i forgot to say the rifle was a used tikka but in as new condition, the gunsmith i bought it from said i could have a full refund if i wasn't satisfied. i took the rifle back to him and he checked the barrel to make sure it was free floating all the way up. he phoned me up to say that the barrel had actually been touching and he had sanded out the high spots so nothing now could affect it, as you rightly said murph. went over to try the rifle out and the gun smith had loaded me some 90gn ammunition in hornady brass to try out, the first five shots were to check for grouping at 10
  4. thanks chap, that could have saved me a lot of time and money. as you say why do they send them out like this, can only go against their reputation. what make of ammunition did you settle on in the end. regards steve.
  5. hi chaps, iv'e just bought myself a tikka t3 hunter in 243 cal mainly for roe and fox, this is my first centre fire rifle and i have been testing different makes and weight of ammunition on the range. i like the look and handling of the tikka and think after looking through the forum its quite a popular rifle. i have been using hornady 100gn ammunition lately and get 3inch ,5shot groups off the bipod at 100 mts , would it be worth trying a lighter bullet and make to see if the grouping will come down any more. if so what do you experts recommend . regards steve.
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