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Everything posted by NowYourStalking

  1. I think the restriction on text talk ([bANNED TEXT] and CUL8R) is fantastic, it's good to see I'm not alone in preferring to use full English. When I post whatever I write is reduced to one big block of text making it less readable, can someone tell me how to introduce proper formatting?
  2.  Sorry Holland, I can't agree with your comment that a trainer shouldn't even own a check chain. Check chains are a perfectly acceptable tool for training, although dropping one on a dog isn't really a method I'd support. The advice already posted about placing the dog in front of you and taking a single step back, returning the dog GENTLY to the exact spot and repeating the process as many times as necessary is spot on. Keep your voice gentle and the very instant you feel yourself getting annoyed stop for the day. I've had lots of success with this approach, some dogs pick it up straight a
  3. Hi All,Just joined the forum and I'm looking forward to picking your collective minds on all sorts of subjects.My shooting interests are mainly rough shooting with the odd driven day, pigeon both hide and roost, rabbit (0.22lr with mod), and clays for practice. I currently run two Chocolate Labs, they are just 1 year old and are at the start of their training, so we’ll see if there is any truth in the rumours that Chocolates are hard to train. (Thoughts and advice gratefully received).I am also looking forward to taking up deer stalking, which because of my time out of the country and the ru
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