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Everything posted by Mattventon

  1. try rubbing it down with some wire wool or a wire brush. It's good to keep a bit of rust on it though as it blends in with the soil & looks more natural.
  2. I've got some 116 bodygrip traps which i've caught a few squirrels with. Recently I decided I'd like to try to catch a few rabbits but have a few questions to ask. My permission is on a old wartime dump so there is no pasture so runs aren't too clear, also at this time of year it's hard to find where the rabbits run throught the vegetation as most of it has died off. Should I set them near the warrens or on the edge of the runs? also would my chances of catching be raised if I bait the traps? I've been using wooden tunnels for catching squirrels, will these be okay for rabbits or
  3. if they do so much damage, i wonder if the government will eventually put a bounty on them like they used to with squirrels? also is it known how they managed to get into the wild?
  4. thanks for the reply, i might get some from there, but if anyone has any used & weatherd ones for sale they would be preferable, thanks. matt
  5. I'm in need of about 5 Fenn traps (preferably mk 4 but mk 6 will do). im not too fused whether they are fenns, springers or solways so long as they are not the cheap chinese junk. If anyone has any for sale (preferably used & weathered), i'd be interested in buying some. thanks Matt
  6. i use a webley tempest .22, they're a good gun & have a fair amount of power to provide quick & humane kills. you can buy them second hand for about £70
  7. I've had a couple of Fenns stolen twice now, again in out of the way places. Not that it prevents people from nicking them but i often stamp my surname onto the bottom side of the plates using metal stamps so if i do happen to come across them, i can be suret that they're mine.
  8. As already mentioned, put a small wall around your pond, this prevents the heron from getting close enough to it to fish. Herons like to stand at the edge of the pond to fish. I had the same problem in my pond so I put some big rocks around it and it seems to work, also it doesn't ruin the looks of your pond. The heron's still about, fishing in neighbour's gardens but has left ours alone now.
  9. last year I bought some mk 4 Fenn traps from Atlantic Stratford, they seemed reasonabaly priced at about £6.00 each. When i recieved them they were cheap Chinese copies which unfortunataly I didn't realise this at the time, they are now no longer in use. Haven't bought anything else off them so can't really judge but in my opinion, a lot of their traps look too cheap to be much good. hope this helps Matt
  10. I've been into hunting for a few years now, but I've still much to learn. After September I'm going to have a go at snaring & my shotgun license should come through any day now!
  11. Hi, welcome to the forum. My uncle moved out to Auckland from the UK about 4 years ago, he's got into shooting & just recently past his rifle exam. Good luck Matt
  12. Thanks for the replys, i've decided i going to get myself one now. Recently me & my grandad have been trapping squirrels over the shoot with mk4 Fenns, however theres so many of the critters we're not making much of a dent in the population so hopefully a multi catch will get a few more. Also if i have success, i might have a go at making some up, has anyone else done this?
  13. thanks for the reply, I thought that my happen with the squirrels not pushing up the door. If anyone else has had experience with the multi catch traps I'd be interested to know how they got on , thanks
  14. I've recently been looking into buying myself a squirrel multi-catch trap, however I am unsure to how good they are. Just thought I'd ask to see if anyone has had success using them and if they were a good trap. Also how many will they catch at a time maximium? thanks Matt
  15. I got 2 pms from him this week, they were also a Canadian site selling viagra
  16. just finished watching the programme, it was good. i'll soon be setting my Fenns during my school holidays to keep down the local grey population.
  17. Hi, im 15 & want to start rabbiting, i dont really want to get a ferret so i wondered if there's any other ways to get rabbits to bolt. ive been talking to people who smoked out rats with a chainsaw exhaust, but none have done so with rabbits, would it work? What other ways are there? any advice would be much appreciated thanks matt.
  18. WEBLEY HURRICANE Hi would you sell the Hurricane for £, if not what would be your cheapest price? thanks matt
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