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About elcasoshaun

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  1. There are still good EBT´s all around the world, despite the almost exclusive concentration by the show-world on "looks". Here in Spain I have been impressed by a couple of strains I have found, and the family who have them have told me that in their home country, Argentina, the old-type athletic EBT is still used for a number of things. There are still good uns in Eastern Europe and Russia ( used for the nasty pit stuff I´m not interested in, but still, it shows there´s still performance and drive in the EBT blood). Here we hunt pigs with Dogos/Alanos/Pits (and mixtures of everything)
  2. Yes, there are some still knocking about but not many in Britain, that´s for sure. They are still used here in spain for example on wild boar, but are a much sleeker, more agile type of dog than the KC-ruined heavy-set type.Was speaking with an Argentinian lad and he told me there are still the old fit type BT´s over there as well. I have seen Lyndon´s dogs on his site and they are the best things I have seen by miles. Seem to be brimming with fitness and strength. I am interested in finding more people trying to put the breed right, working them instead of letting em kip on sof
  3. Over the last decade of having a modern bull terrier I have often been stopped on the streets by people from the Commonwealth countries.They tell me that there are still working bull terriers like Lyndons all over the globe. They work with other dogs all the time as dog aggression often isnt a problem in the breed. I now have a sleeker, more terrier-like BT which I picked up from a shelter here in Spain. He is so far removed from the show dogs its unbelievable. Lyndon, the missus is getting a phonecard in a day or so. I will give you a ring then, mate.I have emailed you a couple of tim
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