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Everything posted by aroma3d

  1. hiya I'm looking for a Saluki x bitch to work with my Saluki x dog who is 2.5yrs can u send me a pic of her? my email is robson133@btinternet.com this is a pic of him at 14 mnths on my profile
  2. she looks like she's going to make a real nice dog atb with her she deserves it
  3. av u still got that smooth dog with white on head?
  4. yes we have noticed an increase in myxamatosis here in Cleveland and North Yorkshire. I'm seeing not many healthy rabbits and a couple of sick ones the other day.
  5. hiya my dog caught a young rabbit yesterday with first signs of mixi its so annoying.
  6. I have a 2 yr old lurcher who trained easily to run with horses and he comes out with me riding. I use a whistle if he goes out of sight and 9/10 he comes straight back. He does a bit of rabbiting along the way which is great. However I am not sure of his obedience when it comes to sheep and always have him on a lead when going through fields of sheep. he listens to me but I dont know if I can trust him . Should I try him on a long line ?
  7. hiya johnbob im adding the pics taken yesterday of the sire, dam and pups. they are a credit to you and I am so proud of them being Scouts first litter! they are absolutely gorgeous and they are in fab condition. That smooth bitch will keep you blood line going and hopefully she will be a good worker like her parents. Dam Sire Smooth bitch r dog smooth and rough dogs dogs s dog r bitch the sire is available for stud and for more photos and info go to my profile page aroma3d
  8. four left guys.........two dogs two bitches . ready to go now ........seven weeks old today have you still got the merl bitch?
  9. I love this merl bitch have you still got her?
  10. what beautiful pups are any for sale? im looking for a bitch and they are just the type im looking for. u can e-mail me direct on robson133@btinternet.com see attached pic of my dog.
  11. what beautiful pups are any for sale? im looking for a bitch and they are just the type im looking for. u can e-mail me direct on robson133@btinternet.com see attached pic of my dog.
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