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About asif1972

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  1. Jelly contains gelatine which you get from animals bones ,normally cows., it is benefical if your dog isnt getting a balanced diet,it strengthens the nails as well as other things. You dont have to give it flavoured jelly you can buy unflavoured gelatine So he was actually giving you some advice
  2. he did nt comment on what he thought of the type of lurcher though did he ! just what he thought of the thread
  3. so why comment,just dont read it
  4. kay is there something your not telling us lol
  5. the rules are simple enuf to understand,you enter yourdog run it ,if it gets injured and cant run the other person gets s by. but for people being told they cant suggest or contribute to the thread because the dog arnt in the comp is a bit out of order, just my thoughts and yes ive read most of the info on the comp
  6. its looks a mess that bud , hope he heals to be able to run
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