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dead ive

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Everything posted by dead ive

  1. At least you have a strip of water to seperate you ..............We have the Welsh and the Scots :wacko:
  2. Causes some devastation does a V-max ................But humane at the end of the day Rabbiter ...........Excuse my ignorance but are you NZ or Aus ..............Reason being I was led to believe suppressed fullbore was a big no no down under .........certainly in Australia anyway .........or are you residing over here and hanging on to your roots
  3. nutshot the comb raiser was purchaced from my local gun club however rifle-cases.co.uk sell some good ones / rabbiter well spoted part of the lung was showing and my rifle is a 223 using 55gr v-max , as for EWOK'S question i knew where the set was so it was just a mater of getting somewhere in cover and waiting What range on the Fox top right Foxshot ..................I use this ammo and have a photo of a head shot at 131 paces ..............look like you managed to squeak them close in
  4. Mainly hunt with rifles (FAC and Open ) with my shotgun mainly for missing clays :whistle: .........Some lads on here will know me already even with the slight change to my forum name Looks good with some experienced chaps and no doubt chapees on here .............Looking forward to swapping experiences with you all
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