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About finurz666

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 28/10/1989

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    hunting and work no rest for the wicked. ftb.

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  1. No probs mate a got a shot of 1 for a couple hours seemed ok but al just stick with the normal wooden one lol. Thanks
  2. Looking for somewhere in Scotland that makes plastic ferret box's. Cheers atb
  3. There's some cracking ferreting videos on you tube all different lurchers being used as well nice to see people still in to it.
  4. Sorry a never replied to anyone moved house n the net got cut off.
  5. Cheerz mate how big is he? And how old? Hes a cracker like
  6. Looking for a dh,bull,grey stud dog. Must be proven in the field and as a stud. Looking to poot it to my bull whippet grey next year only breeding for own use. Let me know cheers
  7. A always trust my own instincts.
  8. A told him it was rubbish. He got tolf of an older man. Just thaught id double check on here
  9. A told him it was rubbish. He got tolf of an older man. Just thaught id double check on here
  10. Just of the phone to a family member and he said that the hunting ban is ment to be geting lifted next year. Just wondaring if this is true???
  11. Duno mate. And yes he was cause had him pend with the other alaunt and she was nailing him but then split them up and hes been pend on his own since truly gutted that he has to go as he was the last dog i got and have spent to mutch time on the others if [BANNED TEXT] intrested give me a ring on the number above cheers
  12. Lol aye she is mate sorry a thaught u wer on bout the litter from scotsman
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