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Everything posted by pontypool

  1. the gulls are pitching on a tiled roof and nesting near the chimney. I have tried netting and wire but this had no effect
  2. Need something to scare the seagulls off my roof. Possibly a water gun or spud gun and where i can buy them . Any sensible advice would be greatly appreciated.
  3. Your dog will get use to the nettles as the pads harden. Someone on here advised me to give half a Piriton tablet to my terrier pup . It worked.
  4. I had the same problem with my terrier. I stopped feeding him before travelling in the car, then short drives to take him for a walk .He now associates the car with going for a walk. No problem.
  5. I thought Renault made a 4X4 diesel scenic
  6. Where i live in Cornwall it is very steep and the road to the house is narrow 6foot 3inches wide. I will need the vehicle to carry two terriers and assorted stuff like logs
  7. Is the justy a 4X4 ? Where i live the roads are steep and very narrow only 6ft 6in wide
  8. My JRT pup is always sick in the car even on short journeys, any advice ?
  9. Had one of these pups when originally advertised ,great dog already working above ground,would recommend to any one looking for a JRT
  10. Whats the best diesel small 4x4 for the narrow lanes and hills of Cornwall e.g.fiat, suzuki
  11. The Piriton worked many thanks for the advice
  12. I have just started working a JRT pup i bought from this site. The problem is that when i get him home he goes beserk with what i believe are nettle stings to his paws. Any anvice on what i can put on his paws either before or after walking to lessen his discomfort
  13. Just been to see the pups, superb and very lively and alert bought one of the dogs which is now at home . Even better the dog was sick over my missus on the way back in the car . I already have a bitch patterdale, 2 cats and 2 ferrets so any advice from people with more experience please let me know.
  14. Where are you based ,give e a few more details about the dog, size,colour, does it live inside or out . Is it OK with other dogs
  15. are the pups still for sale ? where in wales ?
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