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Everything posted by nobber

  1. Thanks mate. Any recommendations for somewhere to book? Cheers
  2. Hi all Hoping somebody with some local knowledge can help me out here. A group of friends and I have booked a day walked up grouse shooting later this year near Settle in North Yorkshire. I'm trying to arrange somewhere for us to stay close to this area, We don't need anything fancy, just clean, basic accommodation. Ideally a coaching inn style of place that does decent food etc but doesn't charge a fortune for a bed for the night. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks in advance.
  3. Any condition considered. Thanks Ben
  4. I would say stoat, weasal or mink. SO efficient, very little mess and can get in and out of the pen without damaging the fence wire or the electric. I agree, plenty of fenns and cage traps outside pen.
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