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Everything posted by Bryan

  1. a link showing a packed coursing venue in Ireland.at the botton of the hill (even though it looks flat) is where the dogs are slipped running up the race track to where the course ends when the hares run under the fence to safety Bryan
  2. since the muzzleing i think coursing is a safe as horse racing in Ireland. it was the main target for the anti's and their main source of income but now it has gone way back on the ageda and Fianna Fail, the main party has given commitments that it is safe under them and Fine Gael, the second most popular party also support it. The irish examiner a national daily paper carries full reports from coursing meets in it's sports pages and sends a photographer to at least on meeting every weekend during the season. Bryan
  3. Frank, your a month behind! green minister? he's a c*nt, the animals rights (not welfare)policy of the greens has been written by Gerry Boland of AFAR(a group running a campaign against St Josephs school for the visually impaired, because it raised money through greyhound racing) real hard core nut bars. the minister gave some licences too late for a few coursing meeting to be held and refuse licences to 2 clubs, but too much money is in coursing so it got through. but they have singled out the ward union(remember the thread on here where loads of guys were saying it was cruel and should
  4. Bryan

    ricky hatton

    it's a pity Hatton spends so much time just losing weight and that this fight has been made at the better weight for mayweather. Hatton struggled at this weight before why should it be any different against a better fighter. i'd love to see Hatton blast him but i can't see it, mayweather will do his usual boring sh*t and win easily, Bryan
  5. this is his 2nd show with Adair, i don't see any reason to be raising the profile of a guy involved in tens of murders, mostly of people with no paramilitary connections. since then he's just pushed drugs in his own community.until he was made leave his own community by his own " friends/ex comrades" why glamorise scum like that? why give him anything? Bryan
  6. link on barrel break in http://www.6mmbr.com/GailMcMbreakin.html
  7. they banned heroin too but that hasn't worked there'll be alot of "fat jack russels" in Dublin fom now on B
  8. my buddy has been running a hiace for 2 years on 100% veggie oil,pours it straight in.only switches back in the winter because of the cold starts but if you mix it that shouldn't be an issue,he doesn't bother to mix.
  9. i have a few friends that are vets and they'd tell you that most people wouldn't thank them for not giving the booster jabs, whatever the evidence.if the dog or cat died from any illness they'd get the blame. i do my own jabs and have never given boosters.owners of working livestock are not of the same mindset as the general public. Bryan
  10. you guys worried about whacking otters? if not using cages? spruce goose it's fairly easy to get an airgun licence Bryan
  11. They burn up quick tough on hares coursed on their own ground yeah Frank they always remind me of those alcohol burning drag racers,impressive but not that practical Bryan
  12. good greyhounds got speed though you goto give them that. clonmel uphill all the way on heavy ground(this year)
  13. Bryan


    Stevie i was joking when i said she was busy!
  14. Bryan


    she a very busy bitch DUP MLA Arlene Foster is to make a diplomatic protest to the Dublin Government because a judge in County Monaghan described the Maiden City as "Derry" and said it wasn't "Londonderry". When the address of a defendant in a motoring case at Monaghan District Court was read out as "Londonderry", Judge Seán McBride is reported to have said that, as far as he was concerned, it was "just Derry with a capital D". He added that he did not want to see "Londonderry" appear on any summons or charge sheets again. Foster fumed that the judge had "contempt for all things
  15. Bryan


    the other problem is anti's make more noise all the F*cking time,write to the new minister and ask him why.put up a link to who it is and we can all write. 10 emails from random people like us is more impressive than some guy from the countryside alliance etc. writing to them. politicians will kiss any ass they are presented with Bryan
  16. Bryan


    i sent this to 2 national Irish papers that printed the lower letter,one printed it today,waiting for the other one to print it.kick up a fuss in every place you can.the biggest problem for Irish hares are wet summers lack of crop diversity Dear editor, I was surprised at the level of disinformation contained in John Fitzgerald’s letter 12/6/07.Most of his statements are in direct conflict with the current studies of Hares in Ireland. The Irish hare Lepus timidus hibernicus is now recognised as a subspecies genetically distinct from the Scottish Mountain hare and more closely related t
  17. too much water without electrolytes is what caused the death of 2 runners in this years london marathon Bryan
  18. a high vis-vest will upset alot of people!!! looks a bit too like a cop at a roadstop.would hate to see one myself coming back from a nights hunting.surely you can spot the old car headlights and side step the cars Bryan
  19. 2 of the 3 contact numbers they give are English,says alot right there.pure F*cking anti shite.seems alot of the irish anti groups are trying to tie in with english groups(or visa versa).I don't know who is funding who but thats how it's going right now,the other week it was the "badger culling" report done again as a joint Irish english thing.I think though that they won't quite get the support they want with that tactic. for a long time every spokesperson for hunting in Ireland had an english accent,and it just didn't wash.It's a bit like the french telling the British how to behave,kinda g
  20. maybe try this http://www.ezpulltriggerassist.com/ Reduce trigger pull by 50%! “Trigger squeeze is critical to accurate shooting, regardless of the gun type. By slowly and smoothly squeezing the trigger, you don’t know exactly when the sear is going to release and you won’t 'flinch' in anticipation of the recoil or sound of the gun firing. There are several ways to squeeze the trigger. I’ll offer three methods...†Paul Vallandigham, 'The Trick to Offhand Shooting,' Gun News Magazine, December 2005
  21. "When you take a dog that can kill a short slipped Irish in the same small field where it got up, to the fens and give it the same slip on a brown hare, only to watch it get straight lined for a quarter mile, then it becomes obvious which is the faster. The dog that you hunt with becomes the measuring stick" what about the ground you are running on? what has never been done is taking the Irish hare to the fens,then lets talk.mostly the irish hares can't hit top gear because they are in small fields,trying to get to a gap or back up a field to a gap.why is the self same brown hare only sup
  22. lepus timidus hibernicus,is actualy larger than the brown hare,fact.
  23. did it break the window when it flew into it.nice gun
  24. try www.boards.ie in sports,shooting section
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