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Everything posted by Bryan

  1. get a pump,saves you money for more curry and wine, and helps work off the curry. or else get a bottle they need a fill every 100 shots or so(fill to 190 bar for most shots,but most of them shoot at same power from 160 bar to 100 bar) any dive shop should be able to sort you out Bryan
  2. great stuff Martin the antis in the Republic have been trying to get big mileage out of the Northern ban in letters to the paper etc this should quieten them Bryan
  3. http://www.ortovox.com/content/en/products...ems/dog_rescue/
  4. thats a bad week!!!!!! balls chopped off one day, that stinging purple spray where your balls used to be the next thing you know your running to an injured rabbit and BANG you get shot................
  5. betadine or hibiscrub are okay on an infected wound but can be a bit harsh and delay healing. best of the lot is granulex v, no need to wash your hands either http://www.allivet.com/Granulex_p/10180.ht...CFRoGEgodumTIKQ Bryan
  6. Bryan

    Irish News

    well just spread the word
  7. Bryan

    Irish News

    sorry macnas it's today starting at 6:30
  8. Bryan

    Irish News

    the green party are trying to push for all dogs to have chips inserted so dog breeding can be controlled. hunting people should be at douglas GAA grounds in Cork to discuss this with government ministers Bryan
  9. [great gun very very accurate a 12 ft/lb will easily hit rabbits out to 50 yards. you'll need a FAC for any power air rifle on the island of Ireland, so if you want to get a higher powered air rifle then you should look at theoben rapids. AA410 will go up to 26 ft/lb but need a long barrel to do that and you lose alot on shot count. for a 12 ft/lb gun i'd say they are only matched or beaten in that price range by the HW100 Bryan
  10. why are there so many terrible things in the world because he gave us free choice
  11. phone local radio stations and write to local papaers, just send what you wrote here. Bryan
  12. i find if you don't feck farmers and fellow hunters you can pretty much hunt anywhere without much problem. Bryan
  13. Pat Kenny is well up for hunting so if it's ever on his show email him as he reads them out. this story sounds a little blown up anyway, 40+ cats is fair fecking going?
  14. bad as it is i wouldn't involve the gardai Bryan
  15. what dj what show,lets get on him B
  16. Bran no one wants their area cleaned, simple as that. Bryan
  17. Bryan


    could some people not apply to become monitors? Bryan
  18. i'm very glad Ireland isn't known as a nation of dog lovers and hope it never will be. the RSPCA was empowered and funded by dog lovers and has now become a monster, which can define how animals must be kept and has pushed the animal rights issue rather than animal welfare. It was a big campaigner against hunting and again funded that campaign. animals are just that. Bryan
  19. langers and pussies a great mix since it's the Irish that are chatting here i think it's worth mentioning that it's not legal to take deer with a dog in Ireland, unless you have a license from minister o'gormley(unlikely) and it's not legal to take a hare with a lurcher either. worth remembering when your out walking around ..........or running around .....or posting pictures do what you like but keep her quiet Bryan
  20. your a scumbag for shooting it with a rimmie it's a discussion board and it's good to see stuff that provokes a bit of debate. Illegal coursing isn't an issue where i'm from and hares are repected and almost "PROTECTED" for hunting. but then again no one is threatening farmers because of hares. so wether we all agree or not . discussion has to be good on a message board? Bryan
  21. no need for that i think they're probably out training
  22. no jigsaw the pale, was a big high fence we built to keep the bast*rds in! no one knows how they got out. then Mícheál Ó Coileáin, was sent up from Cork to sort them out. But he got taken in by their trickery and black magic, he made Dublin the capital and well you know what he got for that! Tribesmen? a great crowd for the old camping on the side of the road
  23. Cork is the capital, we just let the Dubs do the paperwork
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