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Everything posted by Bryan

  1. Bryan


    BRITAIN THE UK ie SCOTLAND, ENGLAND , IRELAND , WALES just to say Britain is an Island,so ireland is not part of Britain and only a small part of Ireland is in the UK and even then thats a fairly contensious issue. Enoch Powell, seemed fairly middle of the road to me and prophetic in alot of what he said.Britain for British people seems very reasonable to me. Bryan.
  2. one of the english rugby guys was in the sunday times a few weeks back.pictured in his hunting gear with gun,saying it was hugely important to him etc,gave it as much focus as the rugby, can't think of his name and saying he was a huge b*stard doesn't really help!
  3. Galway Debate -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- all the nutters will be there from HAI.ie Hunting Debate in NUI, Galway There is a major Hunting Debate taking place in O’Flaherty Lecture Theatre, Concourse, National University of Ireland, Galway on Wednesday, 5th March at 8 p.m. The debate is being jointly organised by the Political Discussion Society and the Literary and Debating Society and is set to be chaired by Mark Little, presenter of RTE's Prime Time. The motion of the debate is: "This Ho
  4. like if you played your heart out in a game for 90 minutes and your reward was ,extra time? i want the dog to think all it has to do is hold it till i break through no matter what, and then it's done it's duty and gets it's reward,a rest?? B
  5. i never leave a dog rag on quarry, unless it's a pup and then only once or twice. can't see the need or benefit? Bryan
  6. i have bought and used 2 ortovox collars, and a pieps DSP box and a barryvox pulse box is that OK with YOU sanchez? and i've used the B+F collars and box set. all very good kit some people seem to dislike the fact that there are options out there? Bryan
  7. PIP the other option is get the box yourself at http://www.thegearshack.com/product_info.php?products_id=103 then you can either get a collar from B+F, or if your looking for a smaller collar get one from http://www.jagdhunde.de/shop/product_info....mp;cPath=46_117 getting your own box you'll have saved the price of the new smaller B+F collar when it comes out. Bryan
  8. she looks like nice eating sounder,nice to get another one before the door is closed. B
  9. . my mate has a bitch sired by tipp tim,now im no expert on booths dogs but she is a demon bitch as good as is about! wasn't that dog bred by power in Cork? hardly booth blood?
  10. Bryan

    HW 80

    i've had an for 15+ years, tunned it myself with a V-mach kit and it puts out 22ft/lb with little recoile. i also have a venom tunned 77K in .177 and a .22 97k for hunting i would only ever take the HW80 with me, it's a sweet shooting power house will take rabbits out to 50 yards on a good day and where the range is know. but at 22ft/lb it's flying almost as flat as a normal .177. i think for a self contained ,no power curve gun it's hard to beat. Bryan HW80
  11. saw this link, it looks like it might be suitable for terrier work.would have to see the unit first but still. http://www.loc8tor.co.uk/faqs.asp#range looks like it could be ideal for fereting, with it bleeping and flashing? for terriers i'd be taking it apart and sorting the bleeping noise. i don't think this matches the B+F units but for guys or kids on a budget it could be very usefull. Bryan
  12. i don't see the point in posting pictures of terriers locked up in the pocket or of foxes peering out of pockets. break them apart quickly,they've done their job and dispatch or release your game asap. don't be faffing around taking photos. photos of the digs shows plenty, if they've trenched on,dug again and the ground they are working.in these set of pictures you can see waterproofs on the ground and them ending up digging in t-shirts.shows plenty if you ask me i don't need to see any more Bryan
  13. that one on the bottom left looks a good size,thats some shooting in 2 hours,the kid will be thinking it's easy,lol
  14. dig all year around if you want, your still not getting 90 hards digs plus all the easy ones you get in a 52 week year,with one dog twice a week all year around, every season??? not likely Bryan
  15. season is about 6 months? which is about 180 days? so your digging each dog every 2 days of the entire season,and sometimes they are to ground for 2 days? 4 digs each,every week. and thats only the hard digs. now i've had 3-4 with the one dog in a day but not every single week of the season my armchair little hunters often need antibiotics for 3-5 days after every hard dig. again stunning looking dog and they both look a good type Bryan
  16. dogs looks a grand size for hard digging.think you might have had a typo on your numbers though Bryan
  17. they look like don't be wasting your time on them,just PM me your address and i'll save you from all the hassle of rearing them 2 stunning looking pups.you have to confident in them when you've used good working stuff to make them
  18. gun and jump hope she says yes
  19. here's the link to parker trading for the shovel Twany has http://www.parker-direct.com/products/default.aspx?catid=129
  20. from todays Irish Examiner 07 February 2008 Low turnout for anti-coursing protest By Conor Kane, Clonmel THE anticipated mass protest by animal rights activists failed to materialise at the National Coursing meeting yesterday, with about 30 campaigners picketing outside the Clonmel venue during the climax of the annual hare-coursing gala. While finals day at the annual meeting got under way inside the Powerstown Park racecourse at 11.30am and finished at 3.15pm, the protesters arrived outside about noon and were gone by 2pm. Despite the low turnout — one group cla
  21. where did you get it Tawny and how much?
  22. you can multi vote if you delet votes between cookies, ten of thousands will have voted by now so it takes a bit to change %, but it is looking a bit sus, it was 70 odd% all week and has kept on dropping all f*cking weekend, ends tonight. still it beats the old 85% against hun ting that people have been quoting for years even if it ends in a small loss it's alot closer than has ever been acknowledged before
  23. anyone know a supplier for Caterpillar shovels, i got 2 a few years back and they were great, i'd buy a few more in a flash
  24. got to delete cookies between votes..................sorry
  25. delete your cookies between votes
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