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Everything posted by Bryan

  1. i was looking at the Arktis waterproof ripstop parka, just wondering if it's top waterproof gear that won't rip? i'd be using it for shooting,digging and lamping maybe all in the one day! so i only wan't a jacket i can soak in wet mud, then put it on damp head out again and know it won't rot to sh*t and be breathable. are those waterproof pants breathable. any specific clothing you guys would recommend from them? is the best place to get it direct? Bryan
  2. I bet you've all the warreners videos to watch when the weather gets cold.
  3. Bryan

    fight fans

    roy jones jnr, he will go through calzaghe too
  4. i think we're all the same about our little mutts
  5. border pups seem to be a bigger rip off than vets FECKING COMEDIAN :11: I was thinking before I checked the posts, it's been a while since there was a dig at the Border, thanks to you I know that there are still tits out there. I thank you. !! you say your english and proud? but you struggle with the language? i was being critical of the prices charged not the breed, can you understand that? There are Border pups on here for £400 in my opinion thats steep.
  6. if i could get em for that what are the vets paying i avoid vets as much as i can and do my own jabs, but when i do mine i just have to pay for the jabs, not for a nurse to assist, someone to sit on the front dask and take calls or for building lease stock etc. vets are not rich people thats for sure. border pups seem to be a bigger rip off than vets
  7. i think they just needed a good clipping in the picture to get their heads looking less huge,was a great photo though. I don't think the wheatons lacked anything in head size. Bryan
  8. Don't know where you got that, the derogation was signed ages ago derogation is only for a fixed period and purpose, they are protected! just like deer are protected but can be shot under licence within season. It's outrageous that common corvids are given any measure of protection, the greens won't last much longer than their derogation i hope. Bryan
  9. It was my first time being at a show like that and to be honest seeing the terriers turned my stomach. they had very little resemblence to what i'm used to seeing out hunting. If the difference between the majority of dogs there and workers was subtle i'd say nothing, but FFS. It was easy for that dog to win a "working show" it was like a good looking woman beating transvestites in a beauty contest. straight back legs with less meat than a chicken leg, thick brushed forward beards and no marks? workers? the kennel club must have been right all along
  10. Jo the dog should be way beyond good, at the very least he and the bitch should be great and most importantly both himself and the bitch should be without any faults in their work and you should also know honestly how their parents and grandparents have worked if you double up on even a single working fault, you'll have it in the line your making forever more. if you had the time and dogs to hand,a better way to test for faults without going super close is either uncle/aunt 2 niece/nephew or cousin 2 cousin breeding extremely tightly in bulldogs,where every animal involved has
  11. saw some at the weekend and it looked good but expensive. just wondering is it quality kit? Bryan
  12. lack of athletic ability, Big heads and sh*t, puny teeth are you kidding?????? FFS, lack of athletic ability and bad teeth, you need to use a good bull not bullshite the worst i've seen from bull crosses was very thin coated dogs that can suffer badly in the winter.
  13. i feel like a tit for reporting him they never feel bad making breaches of the hunting act alegations, he took the law into his own hands, when it comes to his door he can enjoy it
  14. look at the smile on his little face. Did he get a slap of a wet fish or something, he's a lucky kid. Bryan
  15. just to say some of the "azoles" that people would commonly come across are anti fungal, like daktarin etc and not worm drenches one specific host for some lungworms are foxes,cresnoma vulpis. this is a good article on it,amazingly they'd only come across one fatality! Lungworm in Dogs and Cats Metastrongyle infections due to Angiostrongylus vasorum (dog lungworm), Aelurostrongylus abstrusus (cat lungworm) and Crenosoma vulpis are widespread throughout the UK with hotspots of infection in certain geographical areas. A. vasorum (Lungworm) In our experience these i
  16. http://www.jagdhunde.de/shop/index.php?cPa...cec4b50ba25201c
  17. Why was that? because it gave the thick or deranged people a meaning in life. why else? thats what religion ''does'' just look at radical islam. send on the dummys! ' to say religon was the cause is to accept, spin. a non representitive vote, little or no access to social housing and emplyoment was the real genisus of the "Troubles" shooting civil rights marchers created a vacum that had terrible results for everyone. radical islam?,Iraq is almost entirely Muslim killings Muslims, not because of any religous interpetation,but because one minority wants to
  18. a British expat. on terriercentral was good enough to translate the instructions on the ortovox transmitter from German to english for me Switching on the transmitter. Turn the switch towards the "Ein"position,( "Ein"is "ON") keep turning untill the switch stops, in the end position the switch is locked, which means that the transmitter can not be accidently switched off, in this position the switch should have moved slightly upwards. When switched on, the light next to the switch should blink 5 or 6 times, this indicates that the transmitter is sending a signal,this transmission w
  19. what are you using the 375 H+H on?
  20. when you turn it on first it should flash 6 times,if you turn it on again within a minute it wont flash. when it gives 2 or less flashes when you turn it on you only have 20 hours left in the collar.should do about 250 hours normal use. think turning it on and off often flattens the battery a bit( i did the same when i got mine) the normal range with them is about 40 yards,nine shows 1.5 to a B+f but, but that makes it more accurate to any movement and fine pinpointing than the B+F. a small movement on the ortovox collar shows as a bigger movement that the B+F. so you'll be right on the dog
  21. LOL at swag, no anti just keeping an eye out as to what those guys are up to.the anti's aren't doing to well at the minute,low on funds in Ireland. but the greens are in power and Dangerous,they have a minister in charge of hunting. we just need to keep our house in order and be aware. enjoy the hunting Bryan
  22. pretty much every video the Irish anti's have was originaly taken by hunting people.there is no need or benefit Irish anti site!!!! 15. Video Footage Appeal Do you have video footage of Irish hunts engaging in acts of cruelty, e.g. foxes, hares, deer or mink running from hounds, hounds attacking animals, the digging out of foxes? If so, ICABS wants to hear from you now. All calls will be treated as confidential. If you have positive video footage of foxes or other wildlife living free in the wild, we would also be delighted to hear from you. With your permission, we will add yo
  23. get some "Debrisol" or "Granulex V" sprays on it, nothing beats them for minimal scarring with open cuts Bryan
  24. it's nothing special of a book! interesting but no where near the sort of money they go Bryan
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