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Everything posted by Bryan

  1. What more would you expect from a young dog? It most likely will not find everywhere and might just miss one or 2 on its way to developing into a worker or not. The dog has done nothing wrong that your friend knows of and already it's card seems marked? After 4 digs, especially if they've been easy finds that dog will still be as green as grass. B
  2. Died today aged 74, he'd won a Nobel prize for poetry, I'm not fan of poetry but this guy could write. As below on the death of his brother. Mid-Term Break I sat all morning in the college sick bay Counting bells knelling classes to a close. At two o'clock our neighbors drove me home. In the porch I met my father crying-- He had always taken funerals in his stride-- And Big Jim Evans saying it was a hard blow. The baby cooed and laughed and rocked the pram When I came in, and I was embarrassed By old men standing up to shake my hand And tell me they were 'sorry for my trouble,' Whispers
  3. They look bang on, nice condition on them.
  4. . Me 1974 black terrier breeding = one eyed bitch x smiffy lolI thought the one eyed bitch was out of smithy x a staff bitch?. Na bull x russel. Any way pup blackSo you got BullX's?
  5. . Me 1974 black terrier breeding = one eyed bitch x smiffy lol I thought the one eyed bitch was out of smithy x a staff bitch?
  6. LOLWasn't it mostly English guys living in Ireland he dug with and interviewed???
  7. Bitches can be affected for an entire season after pups. Seen it often in hounds. Post Natal Depression affects up to 25% of women. Bitches also usually get a break or 2 during the season because of being "in use/season" which affects fitness and the amount of time each year there are exposed to work. Its worth noting that under Irish and separately English law a woman who kills their child within a year of giving birth is guilty of manslaughter rather than murder. Infanticide. Law recognises that the balance of the mind may no fully recover within a year of giving birth and is als
  8. but youd get bitches that throw a much higher percentage of winners-e.g mega delight the mother of westmead hawk-2 english derby winners and a finalist.Theres dogs with thousands of pups that couldnt match her production record.Then again every stud she was put to was top class wheras every bitch that was put to the pop[ular stud dog probably wasnt. I think that was Cleanspade's point. Mine is that on average dogs are physically stronger and this should be considered when assessing a bitch. Dogs and bitched Are not the same.
  9. Dogs and bitches the same? Greyhound dogs seem to dominate track records. In bulldogs dogs and bitches weren't matched. Maybe they are a little different?
  10. The best you can get for working dogs, just turn off the sound http://www.strongstuff.co.nr/
  11. I bred the dog and gave him to DD as a started dog, he was big and I had his brother, mother and a few more at the time. If he didn't want the dog he was to be returned. After 6 season with the dog he sold him to Trev. On trial the dog bolted a fox for those guys so they decided he must have left the fox past him and was a cull (dog didn't walk out) They returned him to DD for their cash. Then I got him back from DD. I dug 16 with him the first season back. Mostly on digs where other dogs were tried first and couldn't get it done or as the last dog to check was there anything left in a pla
  12. Turkish you seem to find it hard to follow this thread, not to mind understand what can go on underground. Myself, Fatman, Neil , Corkonian, Corkman, Shylock and Smasher all saw the dog working for years before and after Trev bolted a fox with him. Auldboy on here shouting the dog walked? Dog never walked in his long life. You guys have no value on a working dog. No idea. Delete the thread, shoot the dog, quick, quick,quick... Don't think too deeply on things, dogs no good get another one, quick, quick,quick.... The dog was a good dog, nothing great no legend. Worked honestly fr
  13. I've dug out foxhounds more than once. Well , then the terrier in question could/may have let a fox past him !Surely he cannot be no-where near as big as a foxhound ! Ive seen hounds up tubes but I've never seen a fox get past a hound in a tube. Did a fox get past your lurcher in the tube??!! I'm saying if a fox bolted with a lurcher in the tube then it didn't go past the lurcher it came out a different line to the same entrance. That's the question bud.
  14. Quote Trev ", I was present hen he let a fox past him, which I would not have believed was I not present because of the size of the dog. He must have let it past due to his big size the fox would not have been able to get passed." Trev, there's no way a fox passed Freckles in a tunnel. The line would of had to swing around and back onto itself for a fox to get out ahead of him. That dog was as big as a springer spaniel, he couldn't let an animal get passed him if he wanted to. You guys read it wrong on the day. He dug a lot before and after ye had him. Bolting a fox was no tri
  15. do you not like the truth bryan the man that bought the bitch has told you how he rested her but still failed any mediocre dog will do a handful of digs in a season but how many are able for a good work load but if ye are happy with a terrier doing under ten digs a season that's your business 16 isn't less than 10. 16 digs out of a dog that was 9 years old that February, that's a good dog in reality, not THL theory. You literally wouldn't know a good dog if you saw it.
  16. BB it's more interesting than talking about shows and chocolates
  17. This is a 7 foot dig to him in sand on a big dog fox, no trenching one, no digging to the side, just lifted dog and game.
  18. "they also got a dog called freckles that was been raved about but walked on a big dog fox the lads that got them must have very low standards jmho if a bitch walked six times for me she would be pts or a dog of freckles fame to walk on a good fox is just not acceptable" The story they had for Freckles was much worse! He didn't walk out, he left a normal Fox walk past him, not "a big dog fox" It's a funny story if you saw how big he was, this is him in '07, dug 16 times that season aged 8, often after the place had been dug and he was dropped to try for more.
  19. With a bit of time, patience and a few more digs, most things can be explained. Shoot dogs quick enough or get rid and you'd never understand what made them tick or not. Those guys got a bitch that was working well, well bred, thought they saw one mistake and got rid. Yet she never put a foot wrong before or after they had her? For me these are the interesting things about the sport and terriers, but too many guys think it's a simple game, dog looks side ways? shoot it. Maybe it was the first time game had dug away from the bitch? burst past the bitch? They wouldn't have know if she was
  20. With a bit of time, patience and a few more digs, most things can be explained. Shoot dogs quick enough or get rid and you'd never understand what made them tick or not. Those guys got a bitch that was working well, well bred, thought they saw one mistake and got rid. Yet she never put a foot wrong before or after they had her? For me these are the interesting things about the sport and terriers, but too many guys think it's a simple game, dog looks side ways? shoot it. Maybe it was the first time game had dug away from the bitch? burst past the bitch? They wouldn't have know if she was
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