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Everything posted by bud9

  1. i have a nine year old dog here thats a proven dog
  2. heres my 2 young terrier bitches :thumbs:heres choco and heres millie
  3. WHERE YOU FAE MATE . scottish borders WELL FRIEND NO YOU WERNT. IM AFRAID. A BOY FAE STRATHCLYDE WAS. you talk shit mate a lad from dundee got charged round about the same time
  4. WHERE YOU FAE MATE . scottish borders
  5. well folks i was the unlucky c**t to the first charged with killing a fox in scotland
  6. i never got to watch all jeremy kyle hes a heavy dog the now he will be 20lb thats just a rough guess tho but he is a fat c**t
  7. heres a couple of pics of my old terrier hes been a good dog for me over the years hes going to be 9 in my and is still as keen as the young dogs hes seen alot of work this dog but hes sensible and not a nutt job thats going to take a smashing
  8. well you are going to get abit of time in jail for killing a badger 6 month but for digging a badger its 3 year well thats the law in scotland anyways
  9. its the same around my area not so long ago we were out for a walk and we came across a earth that was dug and not back filled its lads like this that fucks it for us all
  10. its not always down to the dog tho its alot to do with the owner aswell my mate had a wee black lakelandx that came from a background of pets that turned out a proper graftng bitch and everyone wanting pups from her at the time
  11. shock coller should sort him out when he looks at them zap him
  12. why is it a silly thing to say like do you think if you buy a pup from well bred dogs its going to work well thats defo not the case and like my dog at the end of the day as long as am happy with my dog a dont give a shit what what anyone else thinks
  13. some cracking working terriers have came from non working backgrounds
  14. when you think of it £500 is not alot of money when your hopefully going to get a good few years of grafting out of it if its a good terrier i was offerd good money for my terrier but i never sold him
  15. i would like to give my alaunt a shot at them
  16. thats a good offer a hope you get the pup a good home
  17. what age is your dog if hes a fair age mate then it might be that
  18. a few weeks back me and a couple of lads from the site were out when we dug a fox my old dog afterwords was stagering about like had a good few drinks but he was just drained
  19. bud9

    Road deaths

    a take it your a expert mate
  20. bud9

    Road deaths

    thares alot of badgers getting about these days thare even in the houseing estate whare i live
  21. hi was wondering what you would call to young ? because my dog nows 12 months but at 11 months i went out with my mate and his dog got on to one it was the first bit of work my dog had done id only had it a fuw weeks i put it to ground a week later on its own it took a nasty bite but still flushed to of them out its put 8 out of ground now and took a fuw bites it just dosnt seem to be that keen though she dose the job she's just always stuck in one gear though iam just wondering if you giys could help me out at all ?? if i was u mate i would hold the dog back for 4 mounths or s
  22. hi was wondering what you would call to young ? because my dog nows 12 months but at 11 months i went out with my mate and his dog got on to one it was the first bit of work my dog had done id only had it a fuw weeks i put it to ground a week later on its own it took a nasty bite but still flushed to of them out its put 8 out of ground now and took a fuw bites it just dosnt seem to be that keen though she dose the job she's just always stuck in one gear though iam just wondering if you giys could help me out at all ?? if i was u mate i would hold the dog back for 4 mounths or s
  23. I DONT LET MINE GO UNTIL THEY ARE BETWEEN 16 TO 18 MONTHS OLD BUT THATS JUST PERSONAL PREFERENCE OTHER LADS MAY DIFFER i prefer mines working before that age but like you say people may differ this dog was going to ground at 7 or 8 month to young u will make him jack am not sure that will happen this dog is 9 year old in 2 month time and hes never jacked in all his years grafting
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