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Everything posted by bud9

  1. need to get a day out lukey mate. hows it going ross a went out the day to try paddy he was spot on am chuffed the way hes going he is going to be a steady dog aswell
  2. not bad mate a got 2 a took my pup av got off bud he went well wee bud was keen hes no been out for a couple of months
  3. thats right mate he was last worked in november but we were out the day with him and the pup av got off him
  4. he has been a great wee terrier for me a just hope the pup av got off him is just as good how did you here about him
  5. out the day for a dig with with my terrier pup we had the dam and the sire of the pup thare aswell am chuffed to bits with the pup he was steady he got bit a couple of times but got stuck in he is only 8 month
  6. bud9


    a dont lamp rabbits alot only to get the dog fit this dog av put up a dont get him out much he has just turned 2 this month av got his grandmother she is an alaunt but when he sees the lamp you dont get peace he gets hyper
  7. very true. why geta pup if you have too many dogs on anyway?? Might be wrong here.. but it seems as if hes bred the bitch and kept two pups left... now the bitch is for sale as he wants too put time into the two 6mth old pups and does not have time for this "good all round bitch" ... if its a good dog why sell it in the first place a never buy older dogs sometimes your just takeing somebody else problem if it was my bitch and it was a all round dog then i would keep her and 1 pup and sell the other pup
  8. bud9


    not a bad nite on the bunnys
  9. bud9


    wee bud after a days grafting enybody got eny picks of thare working terriers here a wee pic off mine mate is that a bitch mate aye wee lakey bitch get two anything , she cut it both ways it looks prety wee has she done much grafting aye she a great wee dug mixes it and dig two her nae prob will keep it back up till you get two her per ban off cos the black terrier av put on here has been a cracking dog over the last 4 /1/2 year he has seen a power thares a few lads off the site have been out with him hes the best terrier av had av got a pup off him thats ready
  10. bud9


    wee bud after a days grafting enybody got eny picks of thare working terriers here a wee pic off mine mate is that a bitch mate aye wee lakey bitch get two anything , she cut it both ways it looks prety wee has she done much grafting aye she a great wee dug mixes it and dig two her nae prob will keep it back up till you get two her per ban off cos the black terrier av put on here has been a cracking dog over the last 4 /1/2 year he has seen a power thares a few lads off the site have been out with him hes the best terrier av had av got a pup off him thats ready
  11. bud9


    wee bud after a days grafting enybody got eny picks of thare working terriers here a wee pic off mine mate is that a bitch mate aye wee lakey bitch get two anything , she cut it both ways it looks prety wee has she done much grafting
  12. its a mastiff cross bullxgray so would a presax gray b an alaunt or wud i have 2 put it bk 2 a bullx? a dont think a presax gray would be an alaunt but am not to sure
  13. well done top terrierman we do a fair amount of digging when its dark
  14. bud9


    wee bud after a days grafting enybody got eny picks of thare working terriers here a wee pic off mine mate is that a bitch mate
  15. bud9


    wee bud after a days grafting enybody got eny picks of thare working terriers
  16. Jade has 40%more greyhound in her than her father and half sister she's a cracker she's the one i liked most i know she wont disapoint you heres a better pic of lucy scotsman this is when she was fit
  17. bud9


    wee bud after a days grafting
  18. a will pop down and see what grayhounds youv got nearer the time when am going to pup her cheers mate
  19. a put him in the kennel yesterday then a heard my terriers barking and a looked out and thare was zac sitting in the garden
  20. hes jumping alright hes jumping my kennel aswell now
  21. cheers mate my alaunt pup in the photo is only 5 and a half month he will be 7 month next thursday and he is about 24/1/2 tts he is going to be a big boy a think he is still thick as mince the now tho do they take there time to come on aluants ? im only askin cus ive got a 1st cross presa gray and hes 10 munfs old an hes thick a shit an im used to havin salukis so thats sayin sumfin thay are a bit slower than lurchers to come on the alaunt bitch av got will be 5 this year she is spot on at working with the terriers no dog aggresion what so ever my bitch has never fought any dogs and av
  22. its a pain in the arse to get the photos on heres zac at 5 /1/2 month if he turns out like scotsmans dog a will be more than happy becouse zues can run to look at you would not think so but av seen it for myself and for his size and weight of him hes quick
  23. cheers mate my alaunt pup in the photo is only 5 and a half month he will be 7 month next thursday and he is about 24/1/2 tts he is going to be a big boy a think he is still thick as mince the now tho do they take there time to come on aluants ? im only askin cus ive got a 1st cross presa gray and hes 10 munfs old an hes thick a shit an im used to havin salukis so thats sayin sumfin thay are a bit slower than lurchers to come on the alaunt bitch av got will be 5 this year she is spot on at working with the terriers no dog aggresion what so ever my bitch has never fought any dogs and av
  24. its a pain in the arse to get the photos on heres zac at 5 /1/2 month
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