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Everything posted by bud9

  1. i have never realy had luck at the shows av had a couple of first buts thats in about 15 year or so i think the shows nowadays are not what they used to be like half the dogs that are wining these days have never saw a days work in thare life and its ment to be a working dog show but well thats what i think
  2. i have never realy had luck at the shows av had a couple of first buts thats in about 15 year or so i think the shows nowadays are not what they used to be like half the dogs that are wining these days have never saw a days work in thare life and its ment to be a working dog show but well thats what i think
  3. yeh hes a wee cracker mate hes only 9 months but once he finds his feet he is going to be a flying machine. aye hes a cart horse the now mate but am happy with him just the way hes going if he can feed the ferrets then am happy
  4. cheers mate 44david44 his bitch is a cracker without a shadow of a doubt and thats for sure
  5. aye mate it was a good day apart from that prick am chuffed with the pup and just watch you hands with that ferret mate it nearly took my finger tip off lol thare was plenty more to take from that hill if we wanted mate yeh alot more there plenty for the rest of the season.so alot more good days to come must just be somthing about that hill mate because everything was trying to bite. aye mate your [bANNED TEXT] av got the trade mark on my leg to prove it mate av got good hopes for buster baw head with the way he was today hes some boy like
  6. aye mate it was a good day apart from that prick am chuffed with the pup and just watch you hands with that ferret mate it nearly took my finger tip off lol thare was plenty more to take from that hill if we wanted mate
  7. cheers mate it was a good wee spin with the pups and the the ferrets and you never added about the bite that c**t of a rabbit giveing me a bite lol and they wellys are belters lads yous want to get a hold of a pair lol
  8. a just landed at the kennels the other day and she was not thare av no idae whare she is mate
  9. she was at my mates house and av been intouch with my solicitor already am sick of the SSPCA THE SHOWER OF DIRTY c**ts thare always on tv asking for money for dogs but its to feed the dogs they steal i have had this bitch since she was 5 month and i have spoke to a woman at the local kennels that has had my dogs before and even she said its shocking what thare doing and she is going to keep intouch if she heres anything
  10. av had some trouble from these c**ts over the last few years but now i was in hospital and my alaunt bitch was put in the kennels i got out and phoned them first thing and the b*****ds said i have to talk to the inspector in all i must have spent a good £30 in credit phoneing to try and get her back and am no further forword and these DIRTY b*****ds ARE JUST A CHRITY has anyone else had this problem heres a couple of pics of the bitch that the SSPCA HAVE STOLE and i bet this has got alot to do with MARK RAFFERTY WHO GOT THE P45 FROM LOTHIAN AND BORDERS POLICE WHO IS NOW HEAD OF SSP
  11. very nice set up thare mate well done
  12. am not so sure of that mate my mate had a yaper years ago and it got plenty work but the bitch was doing this before he got it
  13. well the best thing to do is dont run them to early and they wont yap if its yaping now then you wont get it out of it
  14. hes doefo got abit bull in him mate and you cant say for defo every dog off that line will work and every terrier man will say that mate atb with your dog tho pal cheers bud9
  15. well mate whats the point of feeding a bad dog when you can feed a good dog but like you say you only get out of a dog what you put into it
  16. FFS give yourself a shake mate av never heard as much pish tomato souce or puree
  17. heres some pics of the old boy a had some cracking days with the old boy and never let us down
  18. what the f**k do you mean bye that like funny c**t
  19. to all the lads that saw the old DOG BUD graft he died RIP OLD MAN
  20. no out of scotsmans xena and the little-un
  21. Alaunt pup aged 9wk's out of working parents well socialised very bold and confident will hunt gaurd and protect £250 pictured with its litter mates.Contact me on 07966375319 located in the Scottish Borders 7wks old in the pic
  22. this is your lad now 6wks old the other pup is a half sister the big lad is an uncle out of zeus cheers mate il be up to see you in a couple o weeks any pics of it standing and whos the dam to that big dog,i can see zeus in him,looks a cracker hi mate my bitch lucy is the dam the big lad has def taken after zeus, i seen the pups and would have picked your one lol they are wild cheers mate if it turns out anything like this one here il be well chuffed,had a good night w
  23. this is your lad now 6wks old the other pup is a half sister the big lad is an uncle out of zeus cheers mate il be up to see you in a couple o weeks any pics of it standing and whos the dam to that big dog,i can see zeus in him,looks a cracker hi mate my bitch lucy is the dam the big lad has def taken after zeus, i seen the pups and would have picked your one lol they are wild
  24. heres his sister these are old pics
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