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Everything posted by bud9

  1. i like the old box its simple to use and av had some cracking days out with the old box
  2. I've the new one and it's spot on every time and the battery is great in it. Only used the old one two or three times and I think the new one is more accurate and the noise of the old one drives me mad yip a no what you mean with the noise so the new set up is better then perfect
  3. am jst wanting to no if the new box is more accurate than the peips box i have used the peips box and its simple to use and its fairly spot on how simple is the new set up any info would be great cheers
  4. a wee pic of my bitch pup and a pic of my bullx bitch haveing fun with them
  5. you should keep 1 of the collers turnd off
  6. that would of been a nice start to the day
  7. av got a bitch called millie
  8. aye it looks a handy wee 1 holer thats for sure
  9. looks a handy wee spot for the future... along that dyke and fence line i saw 3 diffrent earths so thats defo going to be a spot for the winter
  10. a never had a terrier with me but if i did am sure it would of went straight to ground
  11. i was out a wee walk this morning with with my bullx and she markd this am prity sure somebody was at home
  12. this has to be a joke or this lad is on day release from the state hospitol
  13. hears my 2 8 week old terrier pups thare as firey as they come
  14. as i got a couple of jills from a young lad that said they were biteing wee shits got a cage and nets then yesterday went to a small spot av went for years the first earth they should no intrest second earth gone and with a good bit of rummbling we got 3 out of that ferret came out perfect no shying away then went to anthor earth and tryd the other jill in she went 10 mins or so and rabbits poping out in style we ended the 2 hour trip with 8 rabbits for the pot and not even a nip from the ferrets good result
  15. well a went off lamping tonight to find all the feilds long then a come to the farm and thares a massive party going on so end of the nite and it was shit never even got a run for ma bitch shocking times
  16. Split them up now otherwise in a few more weeks you will only be feeding one. a should be ok mate if things got to bad ad split them up
  17. av got myself 2 terrier pups bye f**k can they fight for comeing up 7 weeks a now this is comon either in 2 dogs or 2 bitches but this is a bitch and a dog
  18. what was the out come of this anyjoy
  19. very smart dog has it got nuttell breeding in him
  20. this happend to me in 2007 the sspca had my dogs for 11 month after geting found not guilty at cout i had all my dogs returned i was told bymy lawyer it was £7.50 each dog per day and they had 7 of mine what a total waste of tax payers money
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